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基于Web of Science的国际海草研究文献计量评价
引用本文:周元慧,胡刚,张忠华,陶旺兰,王俊丽,付瑞玉. 基于Web of Science的国际海草研究文献计量评价[J]. 生态学报, 2019, 39(11): 4200-4211
作者姓名:周元慧  胡刚  张忠华  陶旺兰  王俊丽  付瑞玉
摘    要:海草及其与周围环境形成的海草场是近海海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,具有多种重要的生态服务功能。相较于红树林和珊瑚礁,国内外学者和公众对海草的关注度偏低,至今对国际海草研究的现状、趋势和热点等的认识还较为有限。检索了1983-2017年Web of Science的SCI-E数据库中收录的海草研究相关文献,借助文献计量信息可视化分析方法,从年度发文量、研究力量和研究热点与主题等方面进行了较为系统的文献计量评价,以期阐明国内外海草研究的态势与热点。结果表明:1983-2017年间国际海草研究的文献数量总体呈明显上升趋势,该领域发文量排前3位的国家是美国、澳大利亚和西班牙;全球发文量最多的机构是佛罗里达州立大学,其次是西班牙高等科学研究理事会与美国国家海洋和大气管理局;发文总量较多的作者是Duarte CM、Marba N和Fourqurean JW,近3年发文量最高的是学者Santos R;刊文量最多的期刊分别是《Marine Ecology Progress Series》、《Aquatic Botany》和《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》,刊文量前15期刊中影响因子最高的是《Limnology and Oceanography》(3.969)。在国家、机构与作者合作方面,西班牙、丹麦、荷兰、墨西哥4个国家形成了关系密切的合作网络,西班牙高等科学研究理事会和美国国家海洋和大气管理局是海草研究机构合作网络中的两个中心,Duarte CM、Marba N等较多学者间有紧密的学术合作关系。通过高频关键词的关联关系分析,表明该领域的3个热点研究主题,即环境(污染)胁迫对海草场的影响、海草的生长与生理生态和海草及其相关生态系统的结构与功能。中国科学院、中国海洋大学等机构为我国海草研究做出了重要贡献,但由于研究起步较晚,我国学者的发文量、篇均被引频次等与欧美国家学者存在一定差距,但近几年的发文量增长迅速,预计未来的发展趋势良好。

关 键 词:海草  文献计量评价  WEB  of  SCIENCE  研究热点

Bibliometric assessment of international seagrass research using the web of science database
Abstract:Seagrass and seagrass meadow ecosystems and their adjacent environment are important parts of the offshore marine ecosystem and serve many important ecological service functions. Compared with mangroves and coral reefs, scientists and the public pay less attention to seagrass, and knowledge of the current status, trends, and hotspots gained from international seagrass research are limited. The literature regarding seagrass research was retrieved from the Web of Science''s SCI-E database from 1983 to 2017 and bibliometric information visualization analysis methods were applied to conduct a systematic bibliometric assessment of annual publications, research strength, research hotspots, and topics. The goals of this study were to clarify the trends and hotspots of international seagrass research, and to generate valuable reference information for related researchers. The results showed that the amount of international seagrass research literature exhibited an obvious upward trend from 1983 to 2017. The top three countries in this field are the United States, Australia, and Spain. The institution with the most publications was Florida State University, followed by the Spanish National Research Council and National Oceanic (Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas, CSIC), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Authors with a relatively larger total number of publications were Duarte CM, Marba N, and Fourqurean JW; Santos R had the greatest number of publications in the past three years. The most frequently listed journals were the Marine Ecology Progress Series, Aquatic Botany, and Estuarine; Limnology and Oceanography had the highest impact factor (3.969) of the top 15 journals. In cooperation with countries, institutions, and authors, Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Mexico formed a close cooperation network. CSIC and NOAA were two centers in the cooperation network of institutions. Duarte CM, Marba N, and many other scholars exhibited close academic cooperation. The three hot topics of seagrass research were summarized through the analysis of association of high-frequency keywords, and were the effects of environmental stress (pollution) on seagrass meadows, growth and physiological ecology of seagrass, structure and function of seagrass and its related ecosystems. The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ocean University of China, and other institutions have made important contributions to the study of seagrass in China. Because of the later start of seagrass research, there is a gap between scholars in China and those in European and American countries regarding the number of publications and average citations per article. However, the literatures published in recent years has increased rapidly. It is expected that there will be a strong developmental trend in seagrass research in the future.
Keywords:seagrass   bibliometric assessment   Web of Science   research hotspot
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