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Cellular basis of the dynamic behavior of the imaginal thoracic discs during Drosophila metamorphosis
Authors:Usui K  Simpson P
Affiliation:Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IGBMC), CNRS/INSERM/ULP, Illkirch Cedex, C.U. de Strasbourg, 67404, France.
Abstract:The eversion, migration, spreading, and fusion of the thoracic imaginal discs during metamorphosis of Drosophila are described using timed whole-mount preparations and several molecular markers. The leading edge of the migrating disc epithelia consists of two groups of cells, stalk cells (S cells) and specialized imaginal cells (I cells), that both express the gene puckered. With this and other markers, opening of the stalk, eversion of the discs, migration of the leading edges, and fusion of the imaginal epithelia can be visualized in detail. Fusion is initiated by S cells that migrate over the larval epithelium and constitute a bridge between two imaginal epithelia. S cells are subsequently lost and imaginal fusion is mediated by the I cells that remain at the site of fusion. The possible cellular basis of this process is discussed. Fusion along the dorsal midline of the notum from the mesothoracic wing discs occurs earlier than that of the prothoracic and metathoracic discs, which remain in a lateral position. For a relatively long period (30 h) the mesothoracic epithelium becomes attached to the head and abdomen, causing a temporary local discontinuity of the order of segments. Later the pro- and metathoracic discs intercalate between head and mesothorax and between abdomen and mesothorax, respectively, to reestablish the normal order.
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