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Influences of seasons and dietary composition on diurnal raptor habitat use in Chembe Bird Sanctuary,Zambia: Implications for conservation
Authors:Vincent R Nyirenda  Arthur M Yambayamba  Exildah Chisha-Kasumu
Institution:1. Department of Zoology and Aquatic Sciences, School of Natural Resources, The Copperbelt University, Kitwe, Zambia;2. Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, School of Natural Resources, The Copperbelt University, Kitwe, Zambia
Abstract:Diurnal raptor habitat use has conservation implications due to environmental and anthropogenic interactions. Three tree-nesting diurnal raptors, black kites (Milvus milvus), steppe buzzards (Buteo vulpinus) and African fish eagles (Haliaeetus vocifer), were studied from December 2016 to October 2017. The objective was to determine factors influencing diurnal raptor habitat selection and use in and around Chembe Bird Sanctuary of Kalulushi district, Zambia. We surveyed for birds in ten randomly selected 200 × 200 m sample plots in each of the five stratified sampling units (miombo woodland, grasslands, human settlements, Lake Chembe and marsh). Seasons and dietary composition variably influenced the distribution, habitat selection and use by raptors. The three raptors devised a suit of behaviours to curtail challenges associated with seasonal food and water availability, and anthropogenic disturbances. There is a need to promote multi-stakeholder engagement and involvement in raptor conservation.
Keywords:habitat selection  prey types  raptor behavioural plasticity  raptor conservation  Zambia
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