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The Inductive Role of Bacterial Symbionts in the Morphogenesis of a Squid Light Organ
Affiliation:Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California Los Angeles, California 90089-0371
Abstract:SYNOPSIS. The association of the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopeswith its marine luminous bacterial symbiont Vibrio fischeriis an emerging model system to study the initiation and developmentof bacterial symbioses in higher animals, in particular theinfluence of bacteria on the ontogenic development of symbiotic-specifichost tissues. Experiments comparing the development of juvenilesquid infected with symbiotic V. fischeri with that of uninfectedjuveniles suggest postembryonic development of the light organrequires cell-cell interactions with the bacterial symbionts.The presence of symbiotic bacteria induces specific morphologicalchanges by affecting such fundamental processes as cell deathand cell differentiation. The surface of the juvenile organis largely composed of ciliated cells that appear to facilitateinfection of the light organ. These cells begin to undergo celldeath within hours of infection with symbiotic V. fischeri.Within three days the epithelial cells that form the bacteriacontainingcrypts of the light organ increase in size; these cells do notappear mitotically active, and may represent a terminally differentiatedstate. The light organs of uninfected juvenile E. scolopes,however, do not exhibit any of these early postembryonic developmentalevents but remain in a state of arrested morphogenesis.
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