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The role of water retaining substrata on the photosynthetic response of three drought tolerant phototrophic micro-organisms isolated from a terrestrial habitat
Authors:Ben de Winder  Hans C. P. Matthijs  Luuc R. Mur
Affiliation:(1) Laboratorium voor Microbiologie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 127, NL-1018 WS Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract:The water prerequisites of two drought tolerant Oscillatoria type cyanobacteria and one green alga were estimated by their ability to accomplish photosynthesis (carbon dioxide fixation) at conditions of subsaturating water supply. Fixation was zero in desiccated samples. Equilibration with solely water-saturated air did not enable any photosynthesis. However, granted properties of the physical environment of the samples could re-establish photosynthesis activity. These properties were elected by chosing membrane filters with different water retention characteristics as supporting substrata for the test samples in the de-and rehydration steps. Rehydration enabled the recovery of photosynthesis of desiccated samples only on the filters with good water retention, the filters with bad water retention were found ineffective. The Oscillatoria strains showed photosynthesis instantaneously and revealed nearly 100% viability. In contrast, rewetted cells of the green alga showed only 35% viability and the recovery of photosynthesis occurred only after 5 h. These differences reflect the natural environmental conditions: cyanobacteria are the first colonizers in the barren sand, whereas green algae can only start to colonize after progressing improvement of the water retention properties brought about by the pioneering cyanobacteria. The results will be discussed in the light of different specific mechanisms available to organisms which endeavour osmotic and matric water stress.Abbreviations DCMU 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl-urea - DMF dimethylformamide - PFD photon flux density - TAPS N-tris[hydroxymethyl]methyl-3-amino-propanesulfonic acid
Keywords:Algal crust  CO2-fixation  Matric water potential  Photosynthesis  Water activity  Oscillatoria sp.  Klebsormidium flaccidum
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