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Effects of liming and boron fertilization on boron uptake of Picea abies
Authors:Tarja Lehto  Eino Mälkönen
Affiliation:(1) Department of Forest Ecology, Finnish Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 18, 01301 Vantaa, Finland;(2) Present address: Finnish Forest Research Institute, Suonenjoki Research Station, 77600 Suonenjoki, Finland
Abstract:The effects of liming on concentrations of boron and other elements in Norway spruce [Picea abies (L) Karst.] needles and in the mor humus layer were studied in long-term field experiments with and without B fertilizer on podzolic soils in Finland. Liming (2000+4000 kg ha-1 last applied 12 years before sampling) decreased needle B concentrations in the four youngest needle age classes from 6–10 mg kg-1 to 5 mg kg-1. In boron fertilized plots the corresponding concentrations were 23–35 mg kg-1 in control plots and 21–29 mg kg-1 in limed plots. Both liming and B fertilizer decreased the Mn concentrations of needles. In the humus layer, total B concentration was increased by both lime and B fertilizer, and Ca and Mg concentrations and pH were still considerably higher in the limed plots than controls. Liming decreased the organic matter concentration in humus layer, whilst B fertilizer increased it.The results about B uptake were confirmed in a pot experiment, in which additionally the roles of increased soil pH and increased soil Ca concentration were separated by means of comparing the effects of CaCO3 and CaSO4. Two-year-old bare-rooted Norway spruce seedlings were grown in mor humus during the extension growth of the new shoot. The two doses of lime increased the pH of soil from 4.1 to 5.6 to 6.1, and correspondingly decreased the B concentrations in new needles from 22 to 12 to 9 mg kg-1. However, CaSO4 did not affect the pH of the soil or needle B concentrations. Hence the liming effect on boron availability in these soils appeared to be caused by the increased pH rather than increased calcium concentration.
Keywords:boron  calcium  liming  pH  Picea abies
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