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Design of a Potent d-Peptide HIV-1 Entry Inhibitor with a Strong Barrier to Resistance
Authors:Brett D. Welch  J. Nicholas Francis  Joseph S. Redman  Suparna Paul  Matthew T. Weinstock  Jacqueline D. Reeves  Yolanda S. Lie  Frank G. Whitby  Debra M. Eckert  Christopher P. Hill  Michael J. Root  Michael S. Kay
Affiliation:Department of Biochemistry, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112,1. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107,2. Monogram Biosciences, 345 Oyster Point Blvd., South San Francisco, California 940803.
Abstract:The HIV gp41 N-trimer pocket region is an ideal viral target because it is extracellular, highly conserved, and essential for viral entry. Here, we report on the design of a pocket-specific d-peptide, PIE12-trimer, that is extraordinarily elusive to resistance and characterize its inhibitory and structural properties. d-Peptides (peptides composed of d-amino acids) are promising therapeutic agents due to their insensitivity to protease degradation. PIE12-trimer was designed using structure-guided mirror-image phage display and linker optimization and is the first d-peptide HIV entry inhibitor with the breadth and potency required for clinical use. PIE12-trimer has an ultrahigh affinity for the gp41 pocket, providing it with a reserve of binding energy (resistance capacitor) that yields a dramatically improved resistance profile compared to those of other fusion inhibitors. These results demonstrate that the gp41 pocket is an ideal drug target and establish PIE12-trimer as a leading anti-HIV antiviral candidate.The HIV envelope protein (Env) mediates viral entry into cells (11). Env is cleaved into surface (gp120) and transmembrane (gp41) subunits that remain noncovalently associated to form trimeric spikes on the virion surface (16). gp120 recognizes target cells by interacting with cellular receptors, while gp41 mediates membrane fusion. Peptides derived from heptad repeats near the N and C termini of the gp41 ectodomain (N and C peptides) interact in solution to form a six-helix bundle, representing the postfusion structure (3, 55, 56). In this structure, N peptides form a central trimeric coiled coil (N trimer), creating grooves into which C peptides bind. This structure, in conjunction with the dominant-negative inhibitory properties of exogenous N and C peptides, suggests a mechanism for Env-mediated entry (10, 22, 58-60).During entry, gp41 forms an extended prehairpin intermediate that leaves the exposed N-trimer region vulnerable to inhibition for several minutes (18, 35). This intermediate ultimately collapses as the C-peptide regions bind to the N-trimer grooves to form a trimer of hairpins (six-helix bundle), juxtaposing viral and cellular membranes and inducing fusion. Enfuvirtide (Fuzeon), the only clinically approved HIV fusion inhibitor, is a C peptide that binds to part of the N-trimer groove and prevents six-helix bundle formation in a dominant-negative manner (61). Enfuvirtide is active in patients with multidrug resistance to other classes of inhibitors and is a life-prolonging option for these patients (30, 31). However, enfuvirtide use is restricted to salvage therapy due to several limitations, including (i) high dosing requirements (90 mg, twice-daily injections), (ii) high cost (∼$30,000/year/patient in the United States), and (iii) the rapid emergence of resistant strains (21, 47).A deep hydrophobic pocket at the base of the N-trimer groove is an especially attractive inhibitory target because of its high degree of conservation (3, 12, 48), poor tolerance to substitution (4, 34), and critical role in membrane fusion (2). Indeed, this region is conserved at both the amino acid level (for gp41 function in membrane fusion) and the nucleotide level (for the structured RNA region of the Rev-responsive element). Enfuvirtide binds to the N-trimer groove just N terminal to the pocket and is significantly more susceptible to resistance mutations than 2nd-generation C-peptide inhibitors, such as T-1249, that also bind to the pocket (8, 13, 29, 44, 46, 47, 58).Peptide design, molecular modeling, and small-molecule screening have produced a diverse set of compounds that interact with the gp41 pocket and inhibit HIV-1 entry with modest potency, but often with significant cytotoxicity (7, 14, 15, 17, 23, 24, 26, 34, 51, 54). The first direct evidence that pocket-specific binders are sufficient to inhibit HIV entry came with the discovery of protease-resistant d-peptides identified using mirror-image phage display (12). In this technique, a phage library is screened against a mirror-image version of the target protein (synthesized using d-amino acids) (50). By symmetry, mirror images (d-peptides) of the discovered sequences will bind to the natural l-peptide target. As the mirror images of naturally occurring l-peptides, d-peptides cannot be digested by natural proteases. Protease resistance provides d-peptides theoretical treatment advantages of extended survival in the body and possible oral bioavailability (41, 42, 49).These 1st-generation d-peptide entry inhibitors possess potency against a laboratory-adapted isolate (HXB2) at low to mid-μM concentrations (12). We previously reported an affinity-matured 2nd-generation d-peptide called PIE7, pocket-specific inhibitor of entry 7 (57). A trimeric version of PIE7 is the first high-affinity pocket-specific HIV-1 inhibitor and has potency against X4-tropic (HXB2) and R5-tropic (BaL) strains at sub-nM concentrations. However, significant further optimization is required to create a robust clinical candidate for two reasons. First, this d-peptide is much less potent (requiring high nM concentrations) against JRFL, a primary R5-tropic strain. Therefore, improved PIE potency is necessary to combat diverse primary strains. Second, by improving the affinity of our inhibitors for the pocket target, we hope to provide a reserve of binding energy that will delay the emergence of drug resistance, as described below.We and others have reported a potency plateau for some gp41-based fusion inhibitors that is likely imposed by the transient exposure of the prehairpin intermediate (9, 27, 53, 57). For very high-affinity inhibitors, association kinetics (rather than affinity) limits potency so that two inhibitors with significantly different affinities for the prehairpin intermediate can have similar antiviral potencies. We proposed that overengineering our d-peptides with substantial affinity beyond this potency plateau would provide a reserve of binding energy that would combat affinity-disrupting resistance mutations (57). Such a resistance capacitor should also prevent the stepwise accumulation of subtle resistance mutations in Env by eliminating the selective advantage that such mutants would otherwise confer.Here, we report on the design and characterization of a 3rd-generation pocket-specific d-peptide, PIE12-trimer, with ∼100,000-fold improved target binding compared to that of the best previous d-peptide, significantly broadened inhibitory potency, and an enhanced resistance capacitor that provides a strong barrier to viral resistance. We achieved this increased potency via structure-guided phage display and crosslinker optimization. PIE12-trimer has a dramatically improved resistance profile compared to the profiles of earlier d-peptides, as well as those of enfuvirtide and T-1249. These results validate the resistance capacitor hypothesis and establish PIE12-trimer as a leading anti-HIV therapeutic candidate.
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