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mzDB: A File Format Using Multiple Indexing Strategies for the Efficient Analysis of Large LC-MS/MS and SWATH-MS Data Sets
Authors:David Bouyssié  Marc Dubois  Sara Nasso  Anne Gonzalez de Peredo  Odile Burlet-Schiltz  Ruedi Aebersold  Bernard Monsarrat
Institution:From the ‡CNRS; IPBS (Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale); 205 route de Narbonne, F-31077 Toulouse, France; ;§Université de Toulouse; UPS; IPBS; F-31077 Toulouse, France; ;¶Department of Biology, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH, Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1, ETH Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland; ;‖Faculty of Science, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract:The analysis and management of MS data, especially those generated by data independent MS acquisition, exemplified by SWATH-MS, pose significant challenges for proteomics bioinformatics. The large size and vast amount of information inherent to these data sets need to be properly structured to enable an efficient and straightforward extraction of the signals used to identify specific target peptides. Standard XML based formats are not well suited to large MS data files, for example, those generated by SWATH-MS, and compromise high-throughput data processing and storing.We developed mzDB, an efficient file format for large MS data sets. It relies on the SQLite software library and consists of a standardized and portable server-less single-file database. An optimized 3D indexing approach is adopted, where the LC-MS coordinates (retention time and m/z), along with the precursor m/z for SWATH-MS data, are used to query the database for data extraction.In comparison with XML formats, mzDB saves ∼25% of storage space and improves access times by a factor of twofold up to even 2000-fold, depending on the particular data access. Similarly, mzDB shows also slightly to significantly lower access times in comparison with other formats like mz5. Both C++ and Java implementations, converting raw or XML formats to mzDB and providing access methods, will be released under permissive license. mzDB can be easily accessed by the SQLite C library and its drivers for all major languages, and browsed with existing dedicated GUIs. The mzDB described here can boost existing mass spectrometry data analysis pipelines, offering unprecedented performance in terms of efficiency, portability, compactness, and flexibility.The continuous improvement of mass spectrometers (14) and HPLC systems (510) and the rapidly increasing volumes of data they produce pose a real challenge to software developers who constantly have to adapt their tools to deal with different types and increasing sizes of raw files. Indeed, the file size of a single MS analysis evolved from a few MB to several GB in less than 10 years. The introduction of high throughput, high mass accuracy MS analyses in data dependent acquisitions (DDA)1 and the adoption of Data Independent Acquisition (DIA) approaches, for example, SWATH-MS (11), were significant factors in this development. The management of these huge data files is a major issue for laboratories and raw file public repositories, which need to regularly upgrade their storage solutions and capacity.The availability of XML (eXtensible Markup Language) standard formats (12, 13) enhanced data exchange among laboratories. However, XMLs causes the inflation of raw file size by a factor of two to three times compared with their original size. Vendor files, although lighter, are proprietary formats, often not compatible with operating systems other than Microsoft Windows. They do not generally interface with many open source software tools, and do not offer a viable solution for data exchange. In addition to size inflation, other disadvantages associated with the use of XML for the representation of raw data have been previously described in the literature (1417). These include the verbosity of language syntax, the lack of support for multidimensional chromatographic analyses, and the low performance showed during data processing. Although XML standards were originally conceived as a format for enabling data sharing in the community, they are commonly used as the input for MS data analysis. Latest software tools (18, 19) are usually only compatible with mzML files, limiting de facto the throughput of proteomic analyses.To tackle these issues, some independent laboratories developed open formats relying on binary specifications (14, 17, 20, 21), to optimize both file size and data processing performance. Similar efforts started already more than ten years ago, and, among the others, the NetCDF version 4, first described in 2004, added the support for a new data model called HDF5. Because it is particularly well suited to the representation of complex data, HDF5 was used in several scientific projects to store and efficiently access large volumes of bytes, as for the mz5 format (17). Compared with XML based formats, mz5 is much more efficient in terms of file size, memory footprint, and access time. Thus, after replacing the JCAMP text format more than 10 years ago, netCDF is nowadays a suitable alternative to XML based formats. Nonetheless, solutions for storing and indexing large amounts of data in a binary file are not limited to netCDF. For instance, it has been demonstrated that a relational model can represent raw data, as in YAFMS format (14), which is based on SQLite, a technology that allows implementing a portable, self-contained, single file database. Similarly to mz5, YAFMS is definitely more efficient in terms of file size and access times than XML.Despite their improvements, a limitation of these new binary formats relies on the lack of a multi-indexing model to represent the bi-dimensional structure of LC-MS data. The inherently 2D indexing of LC-MS data can indeed be very useful when working with LC-MS/MS acquisition files. At the state-of-the-art, three main raw data access strategies can be identified across DDA and DIA approaches:
  • (1) Sequential reading of whole m/z spectra, for a systematic processing of the entire raw file. Use cases: file format conversion, peak picking, analysis of MS/MS spectra, and MS/MS peak list generation.
  • (2) Systematic processing of the data contained in specific m/z windows, across the entire chromatographic gradient. Use cases: extraction of XICs on the whole chromatographic gradient and MS features detection.
  • (3) Random access to a small region of the LC-MS map (a few spectra or an m/z window of consecutive spectra). Use cases: data visualization, targeted extraction of XICs on a small time range, and targeted extraction of a subset of spectra.
The adoption of a certain data access strategy depends upon the particular data analysis algorithms, which can perform signal extraction mainly by unsupervised or supervised approaches. Unsupervised approaches (18, 2225) recognize LC-MS features on the basis of patterns like the theoretical isotope distribution, the shape of the elution peaks, etc. Conversely, supervised approaches (2933) implement the peak picking as driven data access, using the a priori knowledge on peptide coordinates (m/z, retention time, and m/z precursor for DIA), which are provided by appropriate extraction lists given by the identification search engine or the transition lists in targeted proteomics (34). Data access overhead can vary significantly, according to the specific algorithm, data size, and length of the extraction list. In the unsupervised approach, feature detection is based first on the analysis of the full set of MS spectra and then on the grouping of the peaks detected in adjacent MS scans; thus, optimized sequential spectra access is required. In the supervised approach, peptide XICs are extracted using their a priori coordinates and therefore sequential spectra access is not a suitable solution; for instance, MS spectra shared by different peptides would be loaded multiple times leading to highly redundant data reloading. Even though sophisticated caching mechanisms can reduce the impact of this issue, they would increase memory consumption. It is thus preferable to perform a targeted access to specific MS spectra by leveraging an index in the time dimension. However, it would still be a sub-optimal solution because of redundant loads of full MS spectra, whereas only a small spectral window centered on the peptide m/z is of interest. Thus the quantification of dozens of thousands of peptides (32, 33) requires appropriate data access methods to cope with the repetitive and high load of MS data.We therefore deem that an ideal file format should show comparable efficiency regardless of the particular use case. In order to achieve this important flexibility and efficiency on any data access, we developed a new solution featuring multiple indexing strategies: the mzDB format (i.e. m/z database). As the YAFMS format, mzDB is implemented using SQLite, which is commonly adopted in several computational projects and is compatible with most programming languages. In contrast to mz5 and YAFMS formats, where each spectrum is referred by a single index entry, mzDB has an internal data structure allowing a multidimensional data indexing, and thus results in efficient queries along both time and m/z dimensions. This makes mzDB specifically suited to the processing of large-scale LC-MS/MS data. In particular, the multidimensional data-indexing model was extended for SWATH-MS data, where a third index is given by the m/z of the precursor ion, in addition to the RT and m/z of the fragment ions.In order to show its efficiency for all described data access strategies, mzDB was compared with the mzML format, which is the official XML standard, and the latest mz5 binary format, which has already been compared with many existing file formats (17). Results show that mzDB outperforms other formats on most comparisons, except in sequential reading benchmarks where mz5 and mzDB are comparable. mzDB access performance, portability, and compactness, as well as its compliance to the PSI controlled vocabulary make it complementary to existing solutions for both the storage and exchange of mass spectrometry data and will eventually address the issues related to data access overhead during their processing. mzDB can therefore enhance existing mass spectrometry data analysis pipelines, offering unprecedented performance and therefore possibilities.
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