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Contribuzione alla flora algologica del mare Adriatico
Authors:Prof. Enrico Santarelli
Affiliation:1. Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, SK-845 23, Bratislava, Slovakiaivana.svitkova@savba.sk;3. Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, SK-845 23, Bratislava, Slovakia
Abstract:The specific species-rich high-altitude vegetation of the class Carici rupestris-Kobresietea bellardii Ohba 1974 (CK), with the occurrence of many arctic-alpine and endemic species, was chosen for a case study. The analyses were based on a dataset of 37,204 phytosociological relevés from the Slovak Vegetation Database. The traditional classification of the class CK, based on cluster analyses, was reproduced satisfactorily by means of formalised classification, based on the formal definitions created by the Cocktail method together with the frequency-positive fidelity index affiliation. Unequivocal assignment criteria for all eight associations of both alliances [Oxytropido-Elynion Br.-Bl. (1948) 1949 and Festucion versicoloris Krajina 1933] of the class CK were formulated. The formal delimitations followed the traditional ones very well. It was demonstrated that the results of applying the formal definitions created on the basis of a large, geographically stratified dataset capturing the occurrence of all vegetation types in Slovakia were highly similar in comparison with the traditional classification based on the results of cluster analysis. The reliability and the pros and cons of the expert system are also discussed.
Keywords:Alpine communities  Cocktail method  frequency-positive fidelity index  syntaxonomy  Western Carpathians
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