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Cardiac output and mixed venous oxygen content measurements by a tracer bolus method: theory
Authors:Clark, Justin S.   Lin, Yuxiang J.   Criddle, Michael J.   Cutillo, Antonio G.   Bigler, Adelbert H.   Farr, Fred L.   Renzetti, Attilio D., Jr.
Abstract:Clark, Justin S., Yuxiang J. Lin, Michael J. Criddle,Antonio G. Cutillo, Adelbert H. Bigler, Fred L. Farr, and Attilio D. Renzetti, Jr. Cardiac output and mixed venous oxygen content measurements by a tracer bolus method: theory. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 884-896, 1997.---We present a bolus method ofinert-gas delivery to the lungs that facilitates application ofmultiple inert gases and the multiple inert-gas-exchange technique(MIGET) model to noninvasive measurements of cardiac output (CO) andcentral mixed venous oxygen content(C<OVL>v</OVL><SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB></SUB>).Reduction in recirculation error is made possible by 1)replacement of sinusoidal input functions with impulse inputs and2) replacement of steady-state analyses with transientanalyses. Recirculation error reduction increases the inert-gasselection to include common gases without unusually high (and difficultto find) tissue-to-blood partition coefficients for maximizing thesystemic filtering efficiency. This paper also presents a practicalmethod for determining the recirculation contributions to inert expiredprofiles in animals and determining their specific contributions toerrors in the calculations of CO andC<OVL>v</OVL><SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB></SUB> from simulationsapplied to published ventilation-perfusion ratio(V/Q) profiles.Recirculation errors from common gases were found to be reducible tothe order of 5% or less for both CO andC<OVL>v</OVL><SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB></SUB>, whereassimulation studies indicate that measurement bias contributions fromrecirculation, V/Q mismatch, andthe V/Q extractionprocess can be limited to 15% for subjects with severeV/Q mismatch and high inspiredoxygen fraction levels. These studies demonstrate a decreasinginfluence of V/Q mismatch onparameter extraction bias as the number of inert gases are increased.However, the influence of measurement uncertainty on parameterextraction error limits improvement to six gases.

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