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Compensatory growth of the kelp Macrocystis integrifolia (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales) against grazing of Peramphithoe femorata (Amphipoda, Ampithoidae) in northern-central Chile
Authors:Osvaldo Cerda, Ulf Karsten, Eva Roth  usler, Fadia Tala,Martin Thiel
Affiliation:aFacultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte, Larrondo 1281, Coquimbo, Chile;bCentro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA), Coquimbo, Chile;cInstitute of Biological Sciences, Applied Ecology, University of Rostock, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 3, D-18051 Rostock, Germany;dCentre of Research and Technological Development in Applied Phycology (CIDTA), Coquimbo, Chile
Abstract:Compensation of tissue loss has been considered an alternative strategy for seaweeds that have no or only minor chemical or structural defense against herbivory. Compensatory responses are facilitated by resource transfer among different tissues and have been suggested for large kelps. Macrocystis integrifolia (Bory) is a common kelp species from northern-central Chile, which is characterized by high growth rates and the absence of lipophilic chemical defenses against herbivore grazing. Herein, we used the giant kelp M. integrifolia to test for compensatory growth in response to grazing by the nest-dwelling amphipod Peramphithoe femorata (Krøyer). Amphipods were allowed to graze inside nests on subapical blades of M. integrifolia sporophytes for 14 days. We measured growth and chemical composition (C, N, laminaran and mannitol) of apical and subapical blades of grazed and ungrazed (control) sporophytes. Our results revealed the capability of M. integrifolia to maintain elongation rates in grazed subapical blades, which were similar to those of subapical blades from ungrazed sporophytes. Apical blades grew slower in grazed than in ungrazed sporophytes indicating a trade-off between apical and subapical blades when herbivores were present. Thus, compensation occurs in blades directly attacked by grazers and is probably mediated by vertical resource allocation within sporophytes to subapical blades, a suggestion supported by the fact that stipe internodes in these regions grew more on grazed sporophytes. In general, our study indicates that M. integrifolia exhibits compensatory growth against the herbivore amphipod P. femorata, and we suggest that this could be an important strategy of large kelp species to tolerate moderate grazing intensities.
Keywords:Compensatory growth   Giant kelp   Herbivory   Kelp-curler amphipod   Laminariales   Northern-central Chile
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