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Stenogrammitis, a new genus of grammitid ferns segregated from Lellingeria (Polypodiaceae)
Authors:Paulo H Labiak
Institution:1. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Departamento do Botanica, Caixa Postal 19031, CEP 81531-980, Curitiba-PR, Brazil
Abstract:Stenogrammitis , a new genus of grammitid ferns, is segregated from Lellingeria based on morphological and molecular evidence. It differs from Lellingeria by linear leaves usually less than 5 mm wide, clathrate iridescent rhizome scales that are glabrous except for a single apical cilium, veins unbranched and only one per segment, fertile veins usually with the dark sclerenchyma visible beneath the sporangia, and x = 33. In contrast, Lellingeria has broader laminae, veins pinnate within the segments, and fertile veins not visible beneath the sporangia. Melpomene, which is sister to Stenogrammitis and Lellingeria, differs from those two genera by reddish setae on the leaves and rhizome scales papillate at the apex. Some species of Stenogrammitis are also distinctive by hemidimorphic laminae that have the fertile portion less dissected than the sterile. Stenogrammitis is pantropical and currently comprises 24 species, 12 of which occur in the Neotropics, six in Africa, four in Madagascar, and two on Pacific Islands. New combinations are made for Stenogrammitis aethiopica, S. anamorphosa, S. ascensionensis, S. boivinii, S. delitescens, S. jamesonii, S. hartii, S. hellwigii, S. hildebrandtii, S. limula, S. luetzelburgii, S. myosuroides, S. nutata, S. oosora, S. paucipinnata, S. prionodes, S. pumila, S. ruglessii, S. rupestris, S. saffordii, S. strangeana, S. tomensis, S. subcoriacea, and S. wittigiana. Lectotypifications are made for Grammitis muscosa, Polypodium itatiayense, P. oosorum var. micropecten, P. serrulatum forma major, P. serrulatum forma minor, S. luetzelburgii, S. myosuroides, and S. wittigiana. Illustrations are presented for the diagnostic characters of the genus, as well as a map with the geographical distribution.
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