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Synthesis and characterization of dual-wavelength Cl--sensitive fluorescent indicators for ratio imaging
Authors:Jayaraman, Sujatha   Biwersi, Joachim   Verkman, A. S.
Abstract:The fluorescence of quinolinium-basedCl- indicators such as6-methoxy-N-(3-sulfopropyl)quinolinium(SPQ) is quenched by Cl- bya collisional mechanism without change in spectral shape. A series of"chimeric" dual-wavelengthCl- indicators weresynthesized by conjugatingCl--sensitive and-insensitive chromophores with spacers. The SPQ chromophore(N-substituted 6-methoxyquinolinium; MQ) was selected as theCl--sensitive moiety[excitation wavelength(lambda ex) 350 nm, emission wavelength (lambda em) 450 nm]. N-substituted 6-aminoquinolinium (AQ) waschosen as theCl--insensitive moietybecause of its different spectral characteristics (lambda ex 380 nm,lambda em 546 nm), insensitivity toCl-, positive charge (tominimize quenching by chromophore stacking/electron transfer), andreducibility (for noninvasive cell loading). The dual-wavelengthindicators were stable and nontoxic in cells and were distributeduniformly in cytoplasm, with occasional staining of the nucleus. Thebrightest and mostCl--sensitive indicatorswere alpha -MQ-alpha '-dimethyl-AQ-xylene dichloride andtrans-1,2-bis(4-[1-alpha '-MQ-1'-alpha '-dimethyl-AQ-xylyl]-pyridinium)ethylene (bis-DMXPQ). At 365-nm excitation, emission maxima were at 450 nm(Cl- sensitive; Stern-Volmerconstants 82 and 98 M-1)and 565 nm (Cl-insensitive). Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductanceregulator-expressing Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts were labeled with bis-DMXPQby hypotonic shock or were labeled with its uncharged reduced form(octahydro-bis-DMXPQ) by brief incubation (20 µM, 10 min). Changes inCl- concentration inresponse to Cl-/nitrateexchange were recorded by emission ratio imaging (450/565 nm) at 365-nmexcitation wavelength. These results establish a first-generation setof chimeric bisquinoliniumCl- indicators forratiometric measurement ofCl- concentration.
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