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Exercise training enhances adrenergic constriction and dilation in the rat spinotrapezius muscle
Authors:Lash   Julia M.
Abstract:Treadmill training increases functionalvasodilation in the rat spinotrapezius muscle, although there is noacute increase in blood flow and no increase in oxidative capacity. Toassess concurrent changes in vascular reactivity, we measured arterial diameters in the spinotrapezius muscle of sedentary (Sed) and treadmill-trained (Tr; 9-10 wk; terminal intensity 30 m/min,1.5° incline, for 90 min) rats during iontophoretic application of norepinephrine, epinephrine (Epi), andH+ (HCl) and during superfusionwith adenosine. Terminal-feed arteries and first-order arterioles in Trrats constricted more than those in Sed rats at the higher currentdoses of norepinephrine and Epi. In contrast, at low-current doses ofEpi, first- and second-order arterioles dilated in Tr but not in Sedrats. The vascular responses to HCl were highly variable, butsecond-order arterioles of Tr rats constricted more than those of Sedrats at intermediate-current doses. There were no significantdifferences between Sed and Tr rats in the vascular responses toadenosine. Both adrenergic vasodilation and vasoconstriction wereenhanced in the spinotrapezius muscle of Tr rats, and enhancedadrenergic vasodilation may contribute to increased functionalvasodilation. These observations further demonstrate vascularadaptations in "nontrained" skeletal muscle tissues.

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