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Function of Ngrol Genes in the Evolution of Nicotiana glauca: Conservation of the Function of NgORF13 and NgORF14 after Ancient Infection by an Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Like Ancestor
Authors:Aoki  Seishiro; Syono  Kunihiko
Institution:Department of Life Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 153-8902 Japan
Abstract:Ngrol genes are thought to have resulted from horizontal genetransfer from an Agrobacterium rhizogenes-like ancestor earlyin the evolution of the genus Nicotiana. Four Ngrol genes (NgrolB,NgrolC, NgORF13 and NgORF14) have been found in the genome ofN. glauca, but their functions are not yet known. We have investigatedthe properties of Ngrol genes and shown that some of them areable to function in tobacco plants. Transgenic analysis revealedthat NgORF13 promotes RirolB-mediated adventitious root inductionon tobacco leaf segments. NgORF14 also promoted the RirolB-mediatedroot induction, but the intensity of this promoting effect wasweak. These promoting functions of NgORF13 and NgORF14 havemuch the same efficiency as those of the corresponding genesof A. rhizogenes, RiORF13 and RiORF14, respectively. Overexpressionof NgORF13, under control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35Spromoter (P35s), provoked morphological abnormalities in transgenictobacco plants. Transgenic plants that harbored the P35s-NgORF13had rounded leaves and stout flowers resulting from suppressionof the longitudinal growth of leaf and floral leaves such assepals, petals, stamens and carpels. These results suggest thatNgORF13 and NgORF14 in the genome of N. glauca have conservedfunctional sequences since their original integration eventby an A. rhizogenes-like ancestor. Present address: Laboratory of Phylogenetic Botany, Departmentof Biology, Chiba University, 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba,263-8522 Japan. 2 Present address: Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences,Faculty of Science, Japan Women's University, 2-8-1 Mejirodai,Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-8681 Japan.
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