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引用本文:赵继鼎 徐连旺 张小青. 栓菌属和它的亲缘属属界划分的研究[J]. 菌物学报, 1983, 2(4)
作者姓名:赵继鼎 徐连旺 张小青
摘    要:栓菌属(Trametes) 自Fries(1835)建立迄今已有近150年的历史。Fries(1835),Patouillard(1900),Kotlaba & Pouzar(1957),的工作代表了对本属研究的三个比较重要的发展阶段。许多分类学家都认为栓菌属是多孔菌科(Polyporaceae,Basidiomycetes)中最混乱、最不易划清属间界限的一个类群。研究清楚这一属和它的亲缘属的属界以及它们之间的相互关系是研究多孔菌科分类中十分重要的课题。作者多年来在研究这一类群的过程中,常常遇到属界不清,它们之间的相互关系也不易搞清楚等问题。从文献中可以看出,有的种类似乎可以随便地从一个属转移到另一个属,正确与否不易确定。因此,感到搞清楚本属的属界是十分重要的。作者即是在这一情况下进行这一课题研究的。首先搞清楚栓菌属的发展历史,各分类学家对它的不同概念,最后提出作者对本属的概念。然后再搞清楚各亲缘属的属界与其相互关系。凡是作者承认的属都提出自己的概念。

关 键 词:栓菌属  红栓菌属  革栓菌属  小孔菌属  迷孔菌属  褶孔菌属

Abstract:It is well known that the genus Trametes is a very large and complicated group. The problem of interpretation and of the range of this genus is subject of interest of many mycologists who endeaver to solve it in different ways. The opinions are controversial in this respect. Since Trametes was established by Fries in 1835 about 150 years have passed. During this period it has been studied by numbers of taxonomists throughout the world. The diagnostic characteristics of this genus have been changed to a considerable degree, as different taxonomists are of different opinions on its taxonomy. It was not until in 1957 that Kotlaba and Pouzar described a clear generic delimitation. But they did not further interpret the relationships with its allied genera. For this reason an intensive study should be male. The present paper is an attempt for this purpose to pay particular attention to its generic delimitation and the relationships with its allied genera. According to the existing literature a number of mycologists have studied on this group. Fries (1835), Patouillard (1900). Kotlaba et Pouzar (1957) are representatives in the three periods. Fries (1874) described the genus Trametes "subtus in carne pilei immersi, unde trama cum carne pilei contigua et similaris". Patouillard (1900) raised Trametes to the series rank. Six genera (Lenzites, Hexagona, Trametes, Coriolus, Funalia and Daedalea) were included. Kotlaba et Pouzar (1957) described Trametes "Context white to whitish, fibrous, suberous or leathery. Pores rounded to lamellose. Hyphal system trimitic". And so they clarified the delimitation of Trametes. To the authors they accept Trametes suaveolens (L. ex Fr.) Fr. as the type. The delimitation is: causing white rot; pileus annual, thicker and corky; context homogenous, whtie to whitish or woody-colorated, not staining in KOH, descending unchanged into the trama of the tubes, hence the tubes typically extending to uneven depths into the context, so that their upper terminations do not form comtinuous straight line; Hyphal system trimitic. Dealing with the relationships among the allied genera. Two groups may be considered: (1) Trametes group which includes the genera Trametes, Pycnoporous, Microporus, Coriolus; (2) Daedalea group in which Daedalea and Lenzites are included. The genera Cerrena, Funalia, Pseudotrametes, Trametella, Polystictus and Daedaleopsis are not recognized by the present authors. Polystictus was established by Fries in 1835. Later in 1874 he reduced it himself. But a few mycologists still recognized this genus, as Teng (1764) in his book "The Fungi of China". Daedalea is characterized by the colored skeletal hyphae, but colorless in Lenzites. From the authors experience it is difficult to differ from each other only with configuration of hymenophore such as lenzitioid, daedalioid and rounded pores because in any genus of the two the three forms of pores may be met in the same species and even in the same specimen at different stages
Keywords:Trametes  Pycnoporus  Mieroporus  Coriatus  Daedalea  Lenzites  
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