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Daily variations of antioxidant enzyme and luciferase activities in the luminescent click-beetle Pyrearinus termitilluminans: cooperation against oxygen toxicity
Authors:Barros M P  Bechara E J
Affiliation:Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Química, Universidade de S?o Paulo, PO Box 26077, 05513-970, S?o Paulo, Brazil.
Abstract:Several lines of investigation have suggested an interplay between bioluminescence (BL) and oxyradical metabolism, mainly in bacteria and beetles. Although not yet confirmed, luminescent beetles seem to be challenged daily by oxidative conditions imposed by higher oxygen absorption necessary to enhance light emission for courtship (adult lampyrids and elaterids) and prey attraction (e.g. Pyrearinus termitilluminans larvae). This work reports the activities of luciferase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) and total glutathione content at different times of the day in the bright prothorax and dim abdomen of larval Pyrearinus termitilluminans (Coleoptera: Elateridae), investigating a possible adjuvant role for luciferase in oxygen detoxification. Luciferase activity in the prothorax was shown to peak at 7 p.m., which is the time when P. termitilluminans larvae light up for prey attraction. In their habitat, P. termitilluminans larvae emit light until 8.30 p.m. However, at 8 p.m., prothorax luciferase activity achieved basal levels and total glutathione content declined to the daily lowest value, possibly resulting from hyperoxidative conditions during this time. Significant increases in the activities of total SOD (28%) and catalase (37%) were observed in the prothorax at 9 p.m., which should minimize the extent of damage from this potentially hazardous period. Prothorax total SOD (42% higher than daily average) and abdomen CuZnSOD (41%) and catalase (95%) activities showed extra peaks at 7-10 a.m., and abdomen DHAR activity was maximal (37%) earlier (4-7 a.m.). These morning increases in antioxidant enzyme activities may be associated with biological events other than bioluminescence, e.g. intense physical activity for digging tunnels and/or digestion of captured preys. These data suggest that oxyradical pathway and bioluminescence are coordinated, especially in the prothorax, to minimize the oxidative stress imposed by higher irrigation of the photocytes with O(2) when P. termitilluminans larvae emit light.
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