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引用本文:高星. 朝向人类起源与演化研究的共业:古人类学、考古学与遗传学的交叉与整合[J]. 人类学学报, 2017, 36(1): 131-140
摘    要:对于方兴未艾的现代人类起源与演化问题的研究,目前主要在遗传学、古人类学和旧石器时代考古学三个领域内进行。学者们提出了"多地区进化说"、"连续进化附带杂交说"、"出自非洲说"、"融合说"等观点与假说,有的学说针锋相对,南辕北辙。究其原因,除了相关研究还处于盲人摸象的阶段,只是在局部问题与材料上做分析和解释,尚无法得出全面、能被普遍接受的结论外,由于不同学科存在研究对象、方法和思路的不同,学科间缺少了解、沟通与协作,出现一些学术语言和研究结论不被彼此理解和接受的情况,存在一定的误解与无谓的争论,影响了相互之间的借鉴、互动和成果的共享,进而妨碍了跨学科的整合研究并达成学术共识。其实,每个学科都有自己的特点和不可替代的优势,每个学科也有难以克服的弱点,在解决人类起源与演化这样重大的学术问题上,任何一个学科都不可能包打天下,独享其成。因而,开展相关领域的交流合作,尤其是传统的古人类学、考古学与新兴的分子生物学之间的交叉与协作,明确彼此的关注点、需求和专长,凝练共同的学术问题和目标,整合现有的研究问题、资源与成果并向着共同的学术方向一道前行,是推动相关研究走向深入并破译现代人起源这一重大命题的必要举措。

关 键 词:古人类学  考古学  遗传学  现代人起源  学科交叉,

Collaboration and Integration among Paleoanthropology,Archaeology and Genetics
Gao Xing. Collaboration and Integration among Paleoanthropology,Archaeology and Genetics[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2017, 36(1): 131-140
Authors:Gao Xing
Abstract:Modern human origins and evolution is a hot research topic about in full swing with no signs of slowing down. It has attracted researchers from several fields, especially genetics, paleoanthropology, and archaeology. As a result, several hypotheses have been proposed, including Multi-regional Evolution, Continuity with Hybridization, Out-of-Africa, Partial Replacement or Assimilation, etc. Some hypotheses are in fierce debate, describing totally different scenarios for modern human origins and dispersal. The main reason for such a development might be that such research is still in its premature stage, like blind men feeling an elephant and drawing conclusions on the basis of partial understanding of the whole body, no comprehensive and widely accepted ultimate result has been produced. We hould also realize that there are some problems or obstacles hindering current research, reventing researchers from reaching consensus, such as the lack of communication, understanding and collaboration among relevant research fields, especially those three major disciplines. Due to the differences in research materials, evidence, methods and focus, each field has its unique strengths that cannot be replaced by other fields and certain weakness that cannot be easily overcome by itself, and not a single discipline can work on its own to solve all problems, especially on key academic issue such as modern human origins. Therefore, strengthening communication and interaction between traditional paleoanthropological fields and the burgeoning molecular biological fields, understanding each field’s speciality and demands, carrying out multi-disciplinary and integrative research, should be the right direction and strategy in the research on human origins and evolution in the future.
Keywords:Paleoanthropology   Archaeology   Genetics   Human origins   Multi-disciplinaryresearch,
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