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引用本文:熊子翔,许晓萌,唱意,吴昊玟,杜嘉和,姚子毅,徐红英,杨勤跃,李翔,漆俊. 基于红外相机监测数据分析安徽麝活动节律[J]. 动物学杂志, 2024, 59(1): 19-28
作者姓名:熊子翔  许晓萌  唱意  吴昊玟  杜嘉和  姚子毅  徐红英  杨勤跃  李翔  漆俊
作者单位:华中农业大学动物科技学院-动物医学院 武汉 430070;湖北大别山国家级自然保护区罗田管理局 黄冈 438699;动物遗传育种与繁殖国际联合研究中心 武汉 430070;农业动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室 武汉 430070;华中农业大学神农架科技创新中心 神农架 442400;湖北大别山国家级自然保护区管理局 黄冈 438021
摘    要:安徽麝(Moschus anhuiensis)是我国特有种,被列为国家一级重点保护野生动物,狭窄地分布于安徽、河南及湖北三省交接的大别山区域。为明确安徽麝的活动节律及其与其他动物的相互关系,2021年1月至12月,在湖北大别山国家级自然保护区罗田县区域内布设43台红外相机,对安徽麝及其同域物种进行研究。根据红外相机拍摄的时间,统计安徽麝及其他物种的活动规律,并进行节律重叠分析。结果表明:(1)监测的43台红外相机,共10 142个工作日,拍摄野生动物照片1 042张,其中10台红外相机拍摄到安徽麝,共有效监测到安徽麝40次。安徽麝的相对多度(IRA)为3.84;(2)安徽麝主要分布于保护区的核心区范围,落叶阔叶林是安徽麝优先选择的生境(χ2 = 98.99,df = 2,P < 0.001);日活动高峰为9:00 ~ 11:00时和21:00 ~ 23:00时,4月和12月是安徽麝的年活动高峰期,6至10月安徽麝的活动强度很低;昼夜节律分析发现,安徽麝具有较强的夜行性活动能力(INRA = 0.64);(3)安徽麝的活动节律与保护区内同属鲸偶蹄目的小麂(Muntiacus reevesi)及野猪(Sus scrofa)均存在显著差异,具有一定特异性。

关 键 词:安徽麝;湖北大别山;活动节律;夜行性

Activity Rhythm of Moschus anhuiensis Based on Camera-Trapping Monitoring Data
XIONG Zi-Xiang,XU Xiao-Meng,CHANG Yi,WU Hao-Wen,DU Jia-He,YAO Zi-Yi,XU Hong-Ying,YANG Qin-Yue,LI Xiang,QI Jun. Activity Rhythm of Moschus anhuiensis Based on Camera-Trapping Monitoring Data[J]. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 2024, 59(1): 19-28
Authors:XIONG Zi-Xiang  XU Xiao-Meng  CHANG Yi  WU Hao-Wen  DU Jia-He  YAO Zi-Yi  XU Hong-Ying  YANG Qin-Yue  LI Xiang  QI Jun
Affiliation:College of Veterinary Medicine & College of Animal Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070;Luotian Branch of Hubei Dabieshan National Nature Reserve, Huanggang 438699, China;Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction of National Center for International Research, Wuhan 430070;Key Laboratory of Agriculture Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction, Ministry of Education, Wuhan 430070;Shennongjia Science & Technology Innovation Center, Huazhong Agricultural University, Shennongjia 442400; Administration Bureau of Hubei Dabieshan National Nature Reserve, Huanggang 438021
Abstract:[Objectives] The Moschus anhuiensis is an endemic species in China and is listed as the first-class national protected animals in China. Its distribution is highly limited to Dabieshan Mountains region in Anhui, Hubei, and Henan Provinces. Our study was carried out to understand the activity rhythm of M. anhuiensis and its differences from other species. [Methods] Forty-three infrared-triggered camera traps were placed in Luotian area of Hubei Dabieshan National Nature Reserve, Hubei Province, China to monitor M. anhuiensis and other wildlife from January 2021 to December 2021 (Fig. 1). Based on the monitoring data, we calculated the relative activity intensity index to model daytime-and-night activity rhythm, monthly rhythm, seasonal dynamics, preferred vegetation types, and rhythm-related species of M. anhuiensis. Using the ratio of the number of independently valid photos for a given condition to the total number of independently valid photos, we can calculate the activity preferences of M. anhuiensis andother wildlife as described above. To compare the rhythmic differences between M. anhuiensis and other animals, we selected data from Muntiacus reevesi and Sus scrofa monitored in the reserve for overlapping analysis with the daily activity rhythms of Moschus anhuiensis. All the analyses were conducted in R 4.0.3. The “overlap” package and the “activity” package were used to perform kernel density estimation of the rhythms. The significance of difference was tested using the functions in the “activity” package. [Results] The 43 infrared cameras worked for 10 142 working days and took 1 042 independently valid photos of wild animals, of which 10 infrared cameras captured M. anhuiensis, which was effectively monitored 40 times. The relative abundance index (IRA) of M. anhuiensis was 3.84. The location of infrared cameras (Fig. 2) and the analysis of vegetational activity intensity index (IVAI) indicated that M. anhuiensis is mainly distributed in the core area of the reserve, and deciduous broad-leaved forests are its favorite habitats (χ2 = 98.99, df = 2, P < 0.001). The kernel density estimation results showed that two peaks of daily activity are 9:00 to 11:00 and 21:00 to 23:00 (Fig. 4), April and December are the highest peak of monthly activity, and it has a very low activity intensity from June to October (χ2 = 22.63, df = 11, P < 0.05) (Fig. 5), its activities vary significantly in the four seasons (χ2 = 13.40, df = 3, P < 0.01). M. anhuiensis had a strong ability for nocturnal according to our analysis of circadian rhythms (INRA = 0.64). And we found that the relationship between M. anhuiensis and other species in the reserve is weak according to the analysis of activity rhythm, and there are remarkable differences between the activity rhythm of M. anhuiensis and the other Cetartiodactyla, such as Muntiacus reevesi (Δ = 0.70, P < 0. 05) and S. scrofa (Δ = 0.69, P < 0.05) (Fig. 6). [Conclusion] M. anhuiensis is a nocturnal animal with a bimodal daily activity rhythm, most active in April and December. The activity rhythm of this species is unique and differs significantly from that of the animals in the same region.
Keywords:Moschus anhuiensis   Hubei Dabieshan   Camera-trapping   Activity rhythm
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