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Indo-West Pacific patterns of genetic differentiation in the high-dispersal starfish Linckia laevigata
Authors:S. T. Williams,&   J. A. H. Benzie
Affiliation:Australian Institute of Marine Science, PMB 3, Townsville M.C. Qld 4810, Australia,;Department of Zoological and Tropical Ecology. James Cook University, Townsville Qld 4811, Australia
Abstract:Genetic variation in four natural populations of the starfish Linckia laevigata from the Indo-West Pacific was examined using restriction fragment analysis of a portion of the mtDNA including the control region. Digestion with seven restriction enzymes identified 47 haplotypes in a sample of 326 individuals. Samples collected from reef sites within each location were not significantly differentiated based on ΦST or spatial distribution of haplotypes, indicating that dispersal is high over short to moderate distances. Evidence of gene flow is further supported by the low divergence among haplotypes and the lack of any clear geographical structuring among different haplotypes in the gene phylogeny. However, analysis of molecular variance ( AMOVA ), ΦST and contingency χ2 analyses of the spatial distribution of haplotypes demonstrate the presence of significant broad scale population genetic structure among the four widespread locations examined. RFLP data are consistent with high gene flow between the Philippines and Western Australia and moderate gene flow between the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and Fiji, but only limited gene flow between either the Philippines or Western Australia and either the GBR or Fiji. The presence of mtDNA structure contrasts with previous allozyme data which suggest that dispersal among widely separated locations is equivalent to dispersal among populations within the highly connected GBR studies. This discordance between patterns of gene flow inferred from these two markers cannot be fully accounted for by differences in effective population size for mtDNA. This might suggest that while mtDNA variation may represent contemporary patterns of gene flow, allozyme variation among populations is yet to reach equilibrium between drift and migration over the range surveyed.
Keywords:population genetics    control region    RFLP    Indo-West Pacific    biogeography    asteroid
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