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基因聚合提高了水稻对白叶枯病的抗性Performance of Resistance Gene Pyramids to Races of RiceBacterial Blight in Zhejiang Province
作者姓名:郑康乐  庄杰云  王汉荣ZHENG Kang-le  ZHUANG Jie-yun  WANG Han-rong
作者单位:中国水稻研究所, 杭州 310006China National Rice Research Institute,Hangzhou 310006
摘    要:研究了含有单个抗性基因的水稻近等基因系和抗性基因聚合品系对浙江省白叶枯病菌4个主要小种的抗性,单个基因对这些小种的抗性均不高,对新近流行的小种大多感病;基因聚合品系对这些小种的抗性普遍提高,说明基因聚合是培育具有持久抗性品种的有效策略。Abstract:The resistance of rice near isogenic lines containing single bacterial blight resistance genes and the gene pyramids to four races in Zhejiang Province were studied.The single resistance genes showed moderate resistance to most of the races.All the single genes were susceptible to the newly emerging race.The resistance of all the pyramids were enhanced to almost all the races,indicating that gene pyramiding is an effective strategy in developing varieties with durable resistance.

关 键 词:水稻  白叶枯病  近等基因系  基因聚合  持久抗性 Key words
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