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引用本文:李炎贤. 我国南方第四纪哺乳动物群的划分和演变[J]. 古脊椎动物学报, 1981, 0(1)
摘    要:到目前为止,通过调查和研究已认识到,在我国南方第四纪存在四个主要的哺乳动物群,即:元谋动物群、柳城巨猿动物群、大熊猫-剑齿象动物群和现代哺乳动物群。本文对这四个主要的哺乳动物群的进一步划分和演变进行讨论。元谋动物群、柳城巨猿动物群、建始高坪动物群和柳州笔架山动物群均属早更新世。元谋组发现的动物群似乎可以分为两个不同的层位:早期以森林中生活的动物为主,其时代似可划归晚上新世;晚期的动物则反映出以森林—疏林草原为主的生态环境。早更新世的元谋动物群以元谋组上部(3—4段)发现者为代表。柳城巨猿动物群中现生种类比元谋动物群中多,似较后者为晚。柳城巨猿动物群和大熊猫-剑齿象动物群有较密切的关系,可以说前者是后者的原始类型。建始高坪动物群和柳州笔架山动物群代表柳城巨猿动物群和大熊猫-剑齿象动物群之间的过渡类型。大熊猫-剑齿象动物群的地质时代为中-晚更新世,根据动物群的组合情况可分为四个不同的发展阶段:(1)含第三纪残留种类或古老种类;(2)含中更新世典型种类;(3)含早期智人化石;(4)含晚期智人化石或相当于这一阶段的人类制造的文化遗物。我国南方现代哺乳动物群奠基于大熊猫-剑齿象动物群,大体上形成于晚更新世后期。在全新世早期可能有个别更新世残留下来的种类,稍后可能还有个别绝灭种或绝灭亚种;而地理分布改变的种类,在全新世较长的时期内还有所残留。我国南方第四纪哺乳动物表现出土生土长的特点。动物群大致经历过三次较大的变化。和华北地区比较,我国南方第四纪哺乳动物群显示出三大特点:(1)古老种类延续时期较长;(2)现生种类出现较早;(3)动物群的变化不及华北那么明显。

Abstract:In Quaternary South China, however, through a series of investigations and studies, four successive major mammalian faunas have been reeognized. The present author tries to give a review of the subdivisions and evolution of these faunas.It seems to the author that the Yuanmou fauna may be divided into two horizons: the early one (may be referred to upper Pliocene in age) (including forms from members Ⅰ and Ⅱ) is characterized by the predominance of forest animals, and the late one (from members Ⅲ and Ⅳ, may be referred to lower Pleistocene in age) shows an ecological condition of forest-parkland. The Liucheng Gigantopithecus fauna seems to be later than the Yuanmou fauna in bearing more living forms. The Liucheng Gigantopithecus fauna came into intimate relations with the Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna, nearly could be regarded as a prototype of the latter. It is interesting that the mammalian faunas from Gaoping (Jianshi, Hubei) and Bijiashan (Liuzhou, Guangxi) show a transitional feature from the Liucheng Gigantopithecus fauna to the Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna.The Ailuropoda-stegodorn fauna is well-known and had a wide distribution. Some authors have made endeavours at the subdivisions of this fauna] complex. It ia Prof. Zhou who first (1957) distinguished the special fauna associated with Gigantopithecus remains from the Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna and considered the former as the Gigantopithecus fauna, its age was determined as early Pleistocene. It has received Prof. Pei's assent. In 1965 Prof. Pei pointed out that "the distinction of the Stegodon-Ailuropoda fauna (sic) of Middle Pleistocene from that of Late Pleistocene age, however, is not clearly displayed. But in a certain case a fauna may be regarded as Late Pleistocene in age, if human fossils, either Homo sp. or Homo sapiens. are in it." Pei and Zhou have laid a useful foundation for the subdivisions of the so-called Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna.Recently, Han et al. (1975) have forwarded that the fauna bearing Gigantopithecus blacki may be divided into three different horizons, i.e. the Liucheng Gigantopitheeus fauna, the Gaoping fauna and the middle Pleistocene one from Daxin, Wuming and Bama. The latter, in fact, is a typical. Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna excepting that it bears Gigantopithecus blacki.The present author suggests that the Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna may be subdivided into four successive horizons, i.e. 1) that associated with Tertiary survivals or archaic elements, e.g. Group B of the Guanyindong deposits (with Gomphotheriidae), Daxin, Wuming, Bama (with Gigantopithecus blacki), Fengmen Cave of Liucheng (with Tetralophodon liuehengensis), Xiaoyan Cave of Liujiang (with Stegodon preorientalis), Yanjinggou I and Geleshan (Sichuan) etc., their age may be regarded as early Middle Pleistocene; 2) that associated with the Middle Pleistocene typical forms, e.g. Shilongtou (Daye, Hubei) (with Hyaena sinensis), its age may be regarded as late Middle Pleistocene; 3) that assoeiated with neanderthaloid human remains, e.g. Shizishan (Maba, Guangdong), its age may be regarded as early Upper Pleistocene; 4) that associated with Homo sapiens or cultural remains made by man belonging to this stage, e:g. the Liujiang Man Cave (Guangxi), its age may be regarded as late Upper Pleistocene.The living mammalian fauna of South China rooted in the Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna and by and large formed in the late stage of Upper Pleistocene. It seems postsible that a few elements of the Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna could survive to early Holocene. The full establishment of the living mammalian fauna in South China is marked by the disappearance of the Pleistocene forms and migrated forms.The Quaternary mammalian faunas of South China evidently show an endemic feature. During the Quaternary they gradually evolved. In comparison with those of North China, the Quaternary mammalian faunas of South China are characterized by 1) more lasting duration of the archaic forms; 2) earlier appearance of some living forms; 3) less clearness of the change of faunas.
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