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A New Coronary Retroinfusion Technique in theRat Infarct Model: Transjugular Cardiac Vein Catheterization
Authors:Zheyong Huang  Yunli Shen  Hongmin Zhu  Jianfeng Xu  Yanan Song  Xinying Hu  Zhang Shuning  Xiangdong Yang  Aijun Sun  Juying Qian  Junbo Ge
Affiliation:Shanghai Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, 180 Feng Lin Road, Shanghai 200032, P. R. China
Abstract:Cell delivery via the retrograde coronary route boasts less vessel embolism, myocardialinjury, and arrhythmogenicity when compared with those via antegrade coronaryadministration or myocardial injection. However, conventional insertion into the coronarysinus and consequent bleeding complication prevent its application in small animals. Toovercome the complication of bleeding, we described a modified coronary retroinfusiontechnique via the jugular vein route in rats with myocardial infarction (MI). A flexiblewire with a bent end was inserted into the left internal jugular vein and advanced slowlyalong the left superior vena cava. Under direct vision, the wire was run into the leftcardiac vein by rotating the wire and changing the position of its tip. A fine tube wasthen advanced along the wire to the left cardiac vein. This modified technique showed lesslethal hemorrhage than the conventional technique. Retroinfusion via transjugular catheterenabled efficient fluid or cell dissemination to the majority areas of the free wall ofthe left ventricle, covering the infarcted anterior wall. In conclusion, transjugularcardiac vein catheterization may make retrocoronary infusion a more safe and practicalroute for delivering cell, drug, and gene therapy into the infarcted myocardium ofrats.
Keywords:animal model   cardiac vein   cell transplantation   myocardial infarction   rats   transjugular
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