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Inheritance of resistance to Yam mosaic virus, genus Potyvirus, in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata)
Authors:H. D. Mignouna  P. Njukeng  M. M. Abang  R. Asiedu
Affiliation:(1) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), c/o L.W. Lambourn & Co., 26 Dingwall Road, Croydon CR9 3EE, England, UK e-mail: H.Mignouna@cgiar.org Fax: 00234-2-2412221, Present address: M.M. Abang, DSMZ c/o Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture (BBA) Messeweg 11/12, D-38104 Braunschweig, Germany; P. Njukeng, Dept. of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Dschang, P.O. Box 67, Dschang, Cameroon, GB
Abstract:Yam mosaic virus (YMV) causes the most-widespread and economically important viral disease affecting white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) in West Africa. The genetic basis of resistance in white yam to a Nigerian isolate of YMV was investigated in three tetraploid D. rotundata genotypes: TDr 93–1, TDr 93–2 and TDr 89/01444. F1 progeny were produced using TDr 87/00571 and TDr 87/00211 as the susceptible parents. Segregation ratios indicated that a single dominant gene in a simplex condition governs the resistance in TDr 89/01444, while the resistance in TDr 93–2 is associated with the presence of a major recessive gene in duplex configuration. Segregation of progeny of the cross TDr 93–1×TDr 87/00211 fitted a genetic ratio of 2.48:1 resistant:susceptible, which can be expected when two simplex heterozygotes are crossed, indicating the possible modifying effect of the susceptible parent. A triple antibody immunosorbent assay (TAS-ELISA) was used for virus detection in inoculated plants. Slight mosaic symptoms appeared on most resistant individuals, while asymptomatic resistant genotypes with high ELISA (A405) values were observed in all crosses. Such a heterogeneous response suggests the influence of additional modifier genes that segregate in the progeny. The finding that resistance can be inherited as a dominant or recessive character has important implications for YMV resistance breeding. Received: 15 August 2000 / Accepted: 12 April 2001
Keywords:  Yam mosaic virus (YMV)  Dioscorea rotundata  Resistance  Inheritance  TAS-ELISA
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