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Acoustic signalling of hunger and thermal state by nestling tree swallows
Authors:Leonard Marty L.  Horn Andrew G.
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Dalhousie University
Abstract:The begging displays used by altricial nestling birds to solicit care from parents include vigorous movements and loud calling. These begging signals have attracted considerable interest, mainly because their intensity seems excessive for the function of transmitting information about nestling need to parents. However, how information on need is encoded in the various components of the signal, especially its acoustic components, is poorly understood. We examined how begging calls of large and small nestling tree swallows, Tachycineta bicolor, changed during a short period of food deprivation and cooling, as a first step in determining the role that various call characteristics played in advertising nestling need. In contrast to previous studies, we examined several call variables, and related them not only to need for food but also need for warmth. When nestlings were deprived of food, their calls increased in rate and length. Large nestlings also increased the amplitude of their calls. When nestlings were cooled during food deprivation, they decreased the frequency of their calls and their call rate. The latter trend was especially evident in small nestlings. Our results suggest that begging calls carry information not only on the overall hunger level of broods, as emphasized in previous studies, but also on the size, hunger and thermal need of individual nestlings. Further tests are needed to determine whether parents use this information and whether begging calls are optimally designed to convey it. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.
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