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Adaptive Functions of Vertebrate Molting Cycles
Authors:Ling   JOHN K
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Memonal University of Newfoundland St John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Abstract:SYNOPSIS Cyclic epidermal cellular prohfeiation,with or withoutkeratinization is a vertebrate characteristic Such activityprobably obeys an autonomous rhythm which is legulated throughneuro humoral S)stcms in response to envnonmental (piox imate)stimuliand related to adaptive (ultimate) factors In seeking causeand effect lelationships, however, it becomes apparent thatthe same environmental parameter may be both an ultimate anda pioximate factor, the latter also regulating the rate of lesponseWith regard to molting in homoio'heims, tempeiatuie acts insuch a capacity in many species Peiiodic shedding of the outer epidermis in fish amphibiansand reptiles does not appear to be coirelated with seasonalfactors to the extent that avian and mammalian molts are The evolution of vertebrate molting cycles has amounted to theentraining of inherent epidermal C)cles with seasonal demandsby the organism itself and the environment,these demands actas regulating mechanisms Pieadapted structures such as feathersand hairs function collectively as plumage and pelage in theirvarious roles but separately in their growth and leplacementcycles which, however, are coordinated for maximum functionalefficiency Molting is also synchionized with the seasonal cycleaccording to the availability of energy resources and time tocomplete the essential functions (in addition to molting) Theevolved molting systems as manifested in the gieat variety ofpatterns and types in the vertebrates, may thus be legardedas almost individual responses to selective piessures actingon a umveisil vertebrate chaiacter The basic regulatoiy system involves the neuro hvpophyseal complexwhich contiols target endocrines affecting various functionswhich themselves influence epidermal mitosis and, ultimately,molting 1 he mechanism in its simplest form controls the animalsmetabolism through the thyroid acting independently in a permissivecapacity or synergistically with the adrenal and gonadal hormoneswhich are regulated directly and/or indirectly through negativefeedback
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