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The reaction norm for abdominal pigmentation and its curve in Drosophila mediopunctata depend on the mean phenotypic value
Authors:Rocha Felipe  Medeiros Hermes F  Klaczko Louis Bernard
Affiliation:Departamento de Genética e Evolução, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Unicamp, Cx. Postal 6109, Campinas, 13083-970 SP, Brasil;E-mail:
Abstract:The idea of a general independence between the phenotypic plasticity and the mean value of a trait is, presently, a consensus. Here, we use the reaction norm of abdominal pigmentation (number of dark spots) of Drosophila mediopunctata in response to temperature, to test this idea. We raised eight strains, bearing two different chromosomal inversions and with varying mean phenotypic values, under 11 temperatures in a thermal gradient to test for predictions concerning mean phenotypic values, chromosomal inversions, and reaction norms. Our results revealed a strong effect of different phenotypic groups and no effect of different karyotypes on reaction norms. Moreover, we found a significant negative correlation between mean phenotypic value and the curvature of the reaction norms, revealing a high dependency of the reaction norm shape on mean phenotypic value. These results clearly reject the idea of genetic independence between mean value and phenotypic plasticity, and may indicate a pattern of correlation, which may include results from other traits and species, with an importance that has not been fully appreciated.
Keywords:Genetic biodiversity    phenotypic plasticity    polychromatism    pleiotropy    thermal adaptation
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