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引用本文:李强,郑绍华,蔡保全. 泥河湾盆地上新世生物地层序列与环境[J]. 古脊椎动物学报, 2008, 46(3)
作者姓名:李强  郑绍华  蔡保全
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 , 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 , 国家基础科学特殊学科点人才培养基金
摘    要:总结了泥河湾盆地晚上新世生物地层,讨论了12个剖面含哺乳动物化石层位的相互关系,以稻地老窝沟剖面的地层顺序为基础排列出约3.7~2.6Ma时段内的9个代表性的生物地层单位。哺乳动物以Paenelimnoecus chinensis、Lunanosorex cf.L.lii、Trischizolagus、Pliopentalagus nihewanicus、Ungaromys、Mimomys sp.、Chardina truncatus、Mesosiphneus praetingi、M, paratingi、Plio- siphneus lyratus、Pseudomeriones complicidens、Castor anderssoni、Huaxiamys downsi、Chardinomys yusheensis、C.nihowanicus、Hipparion houfenense和Gazella blacki组合为特征。动物群在时代上与榆社麻则沟动物组合、静乐红土动物群、灵台雷家河剖面V带及任家沟静乐红粘土动物组合、宁县水磨沟动物组合、游河动物群及沂南棋盘山洞穴动物组合相当。动物群所反映的是温带草原为主、间有树林和干草原的稀树草原环境。

关 键 词:泥河湾盆地  上新世  哺乳动物  生物地层序列  环境

Authors:LI Qiang  ZHENG Shao-Hua  CAI Bao-Quan
Affiliation:LI Qiang~1 ZHENG Shao-Hua~1 CAI Bao-Quan~2 1 Laboratory of Evolutionary Systematics of Vertebrates,Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100044 2 Department of History,Xiamen University Xiamen 361005
Abstract:A sequence of fluvio-lacustrine and paludine deposits with thickness over 150 meters occurs in the Nihewan Basin, Hebei, China (Yuan et al., 1996; Min et al., 2006). A series of ~ 30 m ( = "90 feet" ) thick red homogeneous clay exposured near the Sanggan River Gorge ( = Shixia) was originally considered as the weathering matter of the base rocks (Barbour et al.,1926). Due to the absence of fossils, its age once was speculated to belong to the Pontian (Teilhard and Piveteau, 1930) or the Late Miocene Baodean (Black et al., 1933). However,a sequence of ~ 30 m thick red gravel-bearing clay at the bottom of the section of Dabonggou in Shixia was named as "Dabonggou Formation" by Chen( 1988 ). At the same time, the ~ 12 m and ~ 7 m thick red clays in the lower part of the Hongya Nangou and Pump Station, respec-tively, were also included into this Pliocene formation. A series of 20 ~ 30 m thick redish or yellow-redish alternating sandy clay and gravel beds are exposed in the Luanshigedagou near Hongya village. Yielding Hipparion and Chilotherium, this deposit was considered to belong to the "Hipparion Red Clay" with a Pliocene age (Huang et al., 1974). The sequence of ~ 45 m thick red clay containing sandy gravel and lens of calcareous nodules in the Huabaogou near Xiyaozitou village was divided into the upper "Yuxian Formation" and the lower "Huliuhe For-mation" by the composition of large fossil mammals. These two formations were respectively cor-related to be equal in age to the Pliocene Jingle Formation and the Late Miocene Babe Forma-tion ( Wang, 1982). In view of the illegibility of the boundary and the lack of significant differ-ences in the fossil faunas between these two formations, Zhang et al. (2003) incorporated them both in the Late Pliocene Yuxian Formation. A series of fluvio-lacustrine and paludine deposits exposed on the both sides of the Huliu River were named "Daodi Formation" and considered of Late Pliocene age ( Du et al., 1988 ). The original sections used for erecting the "Daodi Fm. "are located in the Laowogou near Daodi, the Nangou near Hongya, the Jiangjungou near Xiyaozitou, the Hougou near Qijiazhuang, the Yuanzigou near Yuanzi, the Xiaoshuigou near Qianjiashawa, the Lianjiegou near Beimajuan, the Niutoushan ( = "Pulu" ) near Pulu and the Danangou near Dongyaozitou. Zhang et al. (2003) figured that these short sections all belong to the "Yuxian Fm. ", so they suggested that "Daodi Fm. " should be abolished and attributed to the "Yuxian Fm. ", whereas Cai et al. (2004) retained both "Daodi Fro. " and "Yuxian Fm. ". The red clay stratum from the first layer at the bottom of the Laowogou section is still unnamed due to the uniformity of the grain size, the absence of gravels and aquatic animal re-mains. Based on the limited fossil mammals, the age of this stratum was thought to be the late Middle or early Late Pliocene (Zhang et al., 2003; Cai et al., 2004). The Pliocene/Pleisto-cene boundaries, on the other hand, have already been established in the Laowogou, Donggou, Taiergou and Niutoushan sequences (Cai et al., 2004; Zheng et al., 2006; Min et al., 2006;Cai et al., 2007).Judging from the known information, the lower part of the exposed strata in the Nihewan Basin should be attributed to the Late Pliocene Yuxian Formation or some unnamed red clays. These outcrops exist in the Sanggan River Gorge area and on the both sides of the lower reaches of the Huliu River with lithology of aeolian clay, fluvio-lacustrine red clay contained gravels and paludine sandy clay. On the both sides of the lower reaches of the Huliu River, there are 12 localities and sec-tions, in which one or more layers of fossil mammals have been found ( Fig. 1 ). The purpose of this paper is to update a faunal list of these mammals based on the review of specimens and their localities, and also an attempt to correlate the other sections to the Laowogou section by compa-ring their mammalian compositions and lithological strata. Finally, a Late Pliocene biostrati-graphic sequence and the environmental changes in the Nihewan Basin are discussed.
Keywords:Nihewan Basin  Pliocene  mammals  biostratigraphic sequence  environment
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