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Strain typing with ISLpl1 in lactobacilli
Authors:Petrovic Tanja  Niksic Miomir  Bringel Françoise
Affiliation:Institute of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro.
Abstract:Twenty-seven Lactobacillus plantarum ssp. plantarum, 11 Lactobacillus paraplantarum and five Lactobacillus casei-related strains, isolated from various autochthonous Serbian and Montenegro-fermented foods, were identified using phenotypical characterization and current PCR methods based on PCR of the recA gene or the 23S-5S rRNA gene intragenic spacer (IS) region. The strains were genotypically characterized by a new method based on the insertion sequence element ISLpl11 that grouped these lactobacilli into 10 IS-fingerprinting groups. Between six and 23 copies of the ISLpl1 were found in each strain and the ISLpl1-fingerprint groups correlated well with the origin of the strains. The method proved suitable for strain typing of lactic acid bacteria at the infraspecies level.
Keywords:Lactobacillus plantarum    Lactobacillus paraplantarum    Lactobacillus casei    strain typing    lactic acid bacteria    lactobacilli
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