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An alternative route to coloniality in the bearded tit: females pursue extra-pair fertilizations
Authors:Hoi, Herbert   Hoi-Leitner, Maria
Affiliation:Konrad Lorenz Institute for Comparative Ethology SavoyenstraBe la, A-1160, Vienna, Austria
Abstract:We combine behavioral studies with DNA-fingerprinting of a populationof bearded tits Panurus biarmicus and test the idea that thepursuit of extra-pair copulations by females acts as selectivepressure that may contribute to the formation of colonies inthis socially monogamous species. We show that the rate of extra-pairpaternity in colonial breeding pairs is very high, whereas noextra-pair chicks were detected in solitary nests. We foundno cases of extra-pair maternity and intraspecific brood parasitismin solitary nests, whereas it did occur in dense breeding situations.We further found no difference in the quality of males betweencolonial and solitary individuals. However, colonial femaleswere of significantly higher quality in terms of body size andcondition. We propose that high-quality females settle in coloniesto increase their opportunities to adjust the choice of theirsocial partner by obtaining extra-pair copulations. We suggestthat colony formation enables high-quality females to incitemale-male competition for extra-pair copulations and consequentlysecure extra-pair fertilizations by high-quality males and thathigh-density nesting is controlled by female bearded tits
Keywords:Aves   coloniality   extra-pair fertilization   F. Paradoxornithidae   female quality   nest site choice.
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