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Including oxidisation of ammonia in the eutrophication impact category
Authors:Erik Kän-man  Håkan Jönsson
Affiliation:1. Water Environment Transport, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96, G?teborg, Sweden
2. Department of Agricultural Engineering, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, PO Box 7033, SE-750 07, Uppsala, Sweden
Abstract:Oxygen depletion of lake and seawater is a serious condition with large implications for biodiversity. Therefore, in LCA, the potential oxygen demand of water emissions is estimated under the label eutrophication impact category. This impact category should contain the impact of water emissions on the total oxygen consumption in the receiving water. This means that it should include both primary and secondary oxygen consumption. In spite of this, the oxygen needed to oxidise ammonia has normally not been taken into account when quantifying the eutrophication impact category. In this paper, weighting factors for ammonium/ammonia are suggested for the eutrophication impact category. It is shown that, for treated wastewater, the amount of oxygen needed for nitrification of ammonia is important when compared to the potential eutrophication calculated using the current recommended weighting factors. These weighting factors take into account oxygen needed to oxidise the organic matter in the wastewater emission and that needed to degrade the algae potentially grown due to the emission of nutrients.
Keywords:Ammonia  COD  denitrification  eutrophication impact category  Life Cycle Impact Assessment  nitrification  nitrogen  nutrification  oxidisation  oxygen consumption  phosphorus  urine separation  wastewater systems
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