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Effect of superovulation on maternal serum progesterone concentration, uterine and fetal weights at weeks 7 and 15 of pregnancy in Javanese Thin-Tail ewes
Authors:W Manalu  M.Y Sumaryadi  Sudjatmogo  A.S Satyaningtijas

a  Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University, Jalan Taman Kencana I No 3 Bogor 16151 Indonesia

b  Laboratory of Physiology and Reproduction, Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, P.O. Box 100 Purwokerto 53123 Indonesia

Abstract:Twenty-one pregnant ewe lambs (nine superovulated and 12 non-superovulated) were used to study the effects of superovulation (injecting 700 IU PMSG at the end of diestrus) on maternal serum progesterone concentrations, uterine and fetal weights at weeks 7 and 15 of pregnancy. In the ewes sacrificed at week 7 of pregnancy, superovulation increased the mean number of corpora lutea (P<0.01), fetuses (P<0.01), maternal mean serum progesterone concentration (P<0.01), mean uterine weight (P<0.05), total fetal weight (P<0.01), and average fetal weight (P<0.01) by 133%, 69%, 354%, 66%, 150% and 40%, respectively, when compared to non-superovulated ewes. In the ewes sacrificed at week 15 of pregnancy, superovulation increased the number of corpora lutea (P<0.01), fetuses (P<0.05), maternal serum progesterone concentration (P<0.01), uterine weight (P<0.05), total fetal weight (P>0.05), and average fetal weight (P<0.05) by 207%, 20%, 84%, 37%, 29% and 24%, respectively, compared to those non-superovulated ewes. It was concluded that the increased number of corpora lutea and, therefore, their hormonal secretions by superovulation could increase uterine and fetal growth and development.
Keywords:Superovulation   Progesterone   Uterine weight   Fetal weight   Pregnancy   Sheep
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