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TOC fluctuations in a humic lake as related to catchment acidification, season and climate
Authors:Dag O. Hessen  Egil T. Gjessing  Johan Knulst  Eirik Fjeld
Affiliation:(1) Dept. of Biology, Section of Limnology, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1027 Blindern, N-0316, Oslo, Norway;(2) Norwegian Inst. for Water Res. (NIVA), Pb. 173 Kjels@aring;s, N-0411 Oslo, Norway;(3) Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Aneboda Res. Station, S-360 30 Lammhult, Sweden
Abstract:Studies of fluctuations in total organic carbon (TOC) were performedin both the reference basin and the acidified basin of experimental LakeSkjervatjern, in order to separate effects of various catchment and in-lakeprocesses. Nearly five years of catchment acidification did not inducesignificant changes in TOC. TOC concentrations was not related clearly toprecipitation or runoff. In both basins, there was a regular, seasonal patternwith a gradual increase in TOC concentrations from spring to late autumn.Minima in concentrations occurred during periods with frozen ground inwinter, irrespective of discharge patterns. The decrease from sim10 mg C l-1 in autumn to 1--2 mg C l-1 in latewinter, was only seen in surface layers. Runoff was the major loss routefor surface TOC in the lake. Photo-oxidation, bacterial oxidation, andsedimentation combined yielded maximum loss rates of 3%of surface TOC d-1. Below a depth of 1 m 0.5%d-1 was lost to these same processes. The surface microlayerhad 5--10 times more TOC than the bulk water on average, and could haveeffects on gas exchange and sub-surface light. Despite the oxidation ofTOC, the short residence time of the lake and rapid replacement of TOCfrom the catchment was the major determinant of lake water TOC.
Keywords:humic lake  TOC  acidification  climate  carbon budget
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