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Water loss in desert ants: caste variation and the effect of cuticle abrasion
Authors:Robert A. Johnson
Affiliation:Department of Plant Biology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.
Abstract:Water loss rates (WLRs) varied across castes (workers > alate males > alate females) for desert ants in the genera Aphaenogaster, Messor and Pogonomyrmex. Exposure to soil caused increased WLRs in workers and foundresses (mated, dealate females), apparently because of cuticular abrasion caused by nest excavation. Moreover, field‐collected workers and foundresses from incipient nests (those exposed to soil) had similar WLRs, as did unabraded workers and alate females (those unexposed to soil). These data call into question previous adaptive scenarios for differences in WLRs across ant species and castes. For live alate females, WLRs increased over two stages. The first increase occurred immediately after mating, and the second occurred for foundresses collected 2 days later from incipient nests. By contrast, WLRs of HCN‐killed females were unaffected by mating, but increased significantly for foundresses collected from 2‐day‐old nests.
Keywords:Caste variation    colony founding    cuticle abrasion    myrmicine ants    nest excavation    water loss
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