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Improved islet survival and in vitro function using solubilized small intestinal submucosa
Authors:Jonathan R.T. Lakey  Erik J. Woods  Michael A.J. Zieger  José G. Avila  William A. Geary  Sherry L. Voytik-Harbin  John K. Critser
Affiliation:University of Alberta, Surgical-Medical Research Institute, Department of Surgery, 1074 Dentistry/Pharmacy Centre, Edmonton, T6G 2N8, Canada(jonathan.lakey@ualberta.ca)
Abstract:In vitro proliferation of isolated pancreaticislets has become an area of great interest given the scarcity of clinicalisletdonors and the islet mass requirements for clinical islet transplantation.Smallintestinal submucosa (SIS), a naturally occurring extracellular matrix, hasbeeninvestigated to promote wound healing, tissue remodeling and cell growth. Thisstudy evaluated recovery and function of isolated canine pancreatic isletsfollowing in vitro tissue culture. Pancreatic islets wereisolated from mongrel dogs using standard surgical procurement followed byintraductal collagenase distension, mechanical dissociation and EuroFicollpurification. Groups of purified islets were cultured in a humidifiedatmosphereof 95% air and 5% CO2 for 48 hours in standard islet cultureconditions of CMRL 1066 tissue culture media (Gibco) which had beensupplementedwith 25mgrM HEPES, penicillin/streptomycin and either 10% heat inactivatedfetal calf serum (FCS, Gibco) or solubilized SIS solution (Cook Biotech, Inc.,West Lafayette, IN). The mean recovery of islets following the culture periodwas determined by sizing duplicate counts of a known volume and viability wasassessed by static incubation with low glucose (2.8 mM), highglucose (20 mM) and high glucose solution supplemented with 50mgrm IBMX solution. Remaining islets were embeddedhistologically.From a consecutive series of six culture experiments, a significantly higher (p< 0.05) recovery of islets co-cultured with SIS was observed when comparedtocontrols. Mean islet recovery was 84.5 ± 2.9% (mean ± SEM) fromthe SIS cultured group compared with 64.7 ± 4.5% from the control groupcultured in FCS (p < 0.05, n=6). Islets from the SIS treated group exhibiteda significantly higher (p <, 0.05) insulin response to the high glucosestimulus than islets cultured in the standard FCS cultured solution. Thecalculated stimulation index was 12.3 ± 3.4 for the SIS-treated groupcompared with 5.6 ± 1.8 for the standard cultured group (p < 0.05).The overall mean numbers of islets recovered following invitro culture was also higher in the SIS-treated group. Theproportion of islets with a mean diameter >150 mgrm increasedfrom 24% to 31% in the SIS-treated group, whereas the same proportion decreasedto 18% from 22% in the control (FCS-treated) group. Histological evaluation offixed tissue samples collected following the culture period identified insulinand glucagon-secreting cells in the SIS and FCS treated groups, however ahigherfrequency of insulin positive cells were detected consistently in the SIStreated group. A proliferation marker (PCNA) identified positive cells withinboth groups as well. This study suggests that co-culture of freshly isolatedcanine islets in medium supplemented with solubilized SIS can improve thepost-culture recovery and in vitro islet function. Futureinvestigations will focus on the cellular interactions of SIS, bothinvitro and in vivo.
Keywords:Culture  Insulin secretion  Islet function  SIS
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