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Isolation and characterization of novel suppressor T cell clones from murine fetal thymus
Authors:H S Teh  M Ho  W R McMaster
Abstract:Murine fetal thymus from C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J contains a cell population that suppresses CTL responses to alloantigens. This suppressor cell population was found to exist in high frequency in murine fetal thymus at the 14th day of gestation. The activity of this cell in the thymus declined rapidly with increasing time of gestation, and suppressor activity in the thymus was undetectable by the time of birth. On the other hand, suppressor activity could be detected in organ cultures of 14-day fetal thymus even after the organs were cultured for 14 or 21 days. Fetal thymocytes from B6 or DBA/2J mice were grown as long-term lines in interleukin 2 (IL 2)-containing medium. Clones of suppressor cells were derived from long-term cultures by micromanipulation. The clones had an average doubling time of 13 to 16 hr and were dependent on IL 2 for growth. The clones were 10- to 100-fold more efficient in suppressing CTL responses to alloantigens than day 15 fetal thymocytes. Analyses of cell surface molecules with the use of monoclonal antibodies and conventional anti-H-2 sera by radioactive binding assays showed that cloned suppressor cells from B6 fetal thymus were Thy-1 and Lyt-2+, and expressed little or no L3T4, Lyt-1, H-2K, H-2D, and class II molecules. The suppressor clones lacked the cytolytic activity of conventional CTL and also served as very poor target cells in CTL-mediated cytolysis. The suppressor function of the cloned cells was radiation-resistant, and this suppression could not be reversed by the addition of excess exogenous IL 2. The cloned cells suppressed CTL responses only when they were added within the first 48 hr of a 5-day culture period. Analyses of the antigen specificity of the suppressor cells showed that they suppressed CTL responses in a nonantigen-specific manner.
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