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Kidney adaptation in nitric oxide-deficient Wistar and spontaneously hypertensive rats
Authors:Pereira Leila Maria Meirelles  Almeida Jorge Reis  Mandarim-de-Lacerda Carlos Alberto
Affiliation:Laboratory of Morphometry and Cardiovascular Morphology, Biomedical Center, Institute of Biology, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Av 28 de Setembro, 87 fds. 20551-030, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Abstract:We investigated the renal structural and functional consequences of nitric oxide (NO) deficiency co-treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) in 20 adult male Wistar rats and 20 spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). The animals were separated into eight groups (n = 5) and treated for 30 days: Control, L-NAME (NO deficient group), Enalapril, L-NAME + Enalapril. The elevated blood pressure in NO deficient rats was partially reduced by enalapril. Serum creatinine was elevated in L-NAME-SHRs and effectively treated with enalapril. The proteinuria was significantly higher only in L-NAME-SHRs, and this was reduced by treatment with ACEi. The glomerular volume density (Vv(gl)) in L-NAME rats, both Wistar and SHR, was greater than in matched control rats, and enalapril treatment effectively prevented this Vv(gl) increase. No significant differences were observed in tubular volume density, Vv(tub), or tubular surface density, Sv(tub), in all Wistar groups. The Vv(tub) was smaller in L-NAME-SHRs than in control SHRs, and this tubular alteration was not prevented by enalapril. The Sv(tub) was not different among the SHR groups. In Wistar rats no changes were seen in vascular surface density, but a greatly increased cortical vascular volume density was seen in the enalapril treated rats. The vascular length density was greatly diminished in NO deficient rats that was effectively prevented with enalapril treatment. The vascular cortical renal stereological indices are normally reduced in SHRs. Administration of enalapril, but not L-NAME, changed this tendency. However, enalapril was not totally effective in preventing vascular damage in SHR NO deficient animals.
Keywords:Renal cortex   Hypertension   Nitric oxide   Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor   Stereology
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