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Post-transcriptional Control of Nitrate Reductase Formation in Green Algae
Authors:HIPKIN, C. R.   SYRETT, P. J.
Abstract:Cycloheximide (2·0 µg ml–1) inhibits theincorporation of [14C]phenylalanine and [14C]adenine into insolublecompounds in Ankistrodesmus braunii. 6-Methylpurine (1·0mM) inhibits only the incorporation of [14C]adenine and it isconcluded that it inhibits RNA synthesis. When ammonium-growncells of Ankistrodesmus or Chlorella are nitrogen-starved orwhen ammonium-grown cells of Dunalitlla are resuspended in nitratemedium, the appearance of nitrate reductase in these organismsis not inhibited by 6-methylpurine. The appearance of nitratereductase activity in Ankistrodesmus or Chlorella is inhibitedby 6-methylpurine when ammonium-grown organisms are preincubatedwith this substance for 1-2 h before nitrogen starvation. Itis concluded that cells growing with ammonium and lacking nitratereductase activity nevertheless contain preformed mRNA for nitratereductase synthesis.
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