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Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Spring Wheat
Affiliation:Rothamsted Experimental Station Harpenden, Herts. AL5 2JQ
Abstract:Nine amounts of nitrogen fertilizer, ranging from 0 to 200 kgN ha–1, were applied to spring wheat cv. Kleiber in the3 years 1972-1974. In 1972 grain dry weight with 125 kg N ha–1or more was 100 g m–2 (23 per cent) greater than withoutnitrogen. Grain yield was unaffected by nitrogen in the otheryears. Leaf area at and after anthesis was increased throughoutthe range of nitrogen tested, most in 1972 and least in 1973.Consequently, the addition of 200 kg N ha–1 decreasedthe amount of grain produced per unit of leaf area by approximately25 per cent in all years. The dry weight of leaves and stems at anthesis and maturitywas increased by nitrogen in all years, similarly to leaf area.However, the change in stem dry weight between anthesis andmaturity was not affected by nitrogen; stems increased in dryweight for about 20 days after anthesis and then decreased tovalues similar to those at anthesis. The uptake of CO2 per unit area of flag leaf or second leaf(leaf below the flag leaf) was slightly decreased by nitrogenwhen the increase in leaf area caused by nitrogen appreciablydecreased the light intensity at the surface of these leaves.In spite of such decreases the CO2 absorbed by flag and secondleaves per unit area of land was always increased by nitrogen,and relatively more than was grain yield. It is suggested that increases in respiratory loss of CO2 withincreasing nitrogen fertilizer may explain why nitrogen increasedvegetative growth and leaf area relatively more than grain yield.
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