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Microevolutionary change in Arikara Crania: a multivariate analysis
Authors:R L Jantz
Abstract:Measurements of human crania from five archaeological sites were subjected to canonical analysis. The five sites form a temporal sequence, ranging from prehistoric (ca. 1600 A.D.) to late historic (1830 A.D.), and belonging archaeologically to the Coalescent Tradition, which in South Dakota encompasses the historic Arikara Indians and their prehistoric ancestors. One canonical variate in each sex arranges the sites in their appropriate temporal sequence, presumably reflecting systematic microevolutionary change. The hypothesis that the morphological change resulted from gene flow from either White or Mandan Indian sources was tested using a two-group discriminate function. The function is found to effectively discriminate a Mandan sample and prehistoric Arikara, but becomes progressively less effective on the historic Arikara crania. This would suggest that Mandan gene flow into Arikara populations is responsible for the observed temporal variation. A similar analysis using British White crania suggests the possibility of slight White influence, but the effect is minimal compared to Mandan.
Keywords:Microevolution  Multivariate  Gene flow  Craniology  Indians
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