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Life cycles of two limnetic cyclopoid copepods, Cyclops vicinus and Thermocyclops crassus, in two different habitats
Authors:Kobari, Toru   Ban, Syuhei
Affiliation:Biological Oceanography, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University 3–1–1 Minato-machi, Hakodate, Hokkaido 041–08–1, Japan
Abstract:The life cycles of Cyclops vicinus and Thermocyclops crassusin two shallow eutrophic habitats, Junsainuma and Naganuma Ponds,Hokkaido, Japan, were investigated. Both ponds exhibited similarseasonal patterns of temperature, oxygen levels and pH duringice-free periods; however, oxygen levels were extremely lowerunder the ice in Naganuma Pond. Cyclops vicinus showed differentlife cycles in the two ponds; in Junsainuma Pond, it reproducedin winter and spring (January-May) and entered diapause duringsummer and autumn (June-October) as copepodite IV stage, whileit reproduced in autumn (October-November) and spring (April-May),and entered diapause in summer (June-September) and winter (Januaryand February) as copepodite V stage in Naganuma Pond. Thermocyclopscrassus entered diapause during winter (December-April) as copepoditeIV and V stages in both ponds, and egg-bearing females appearedonly during the warmseason, from early May to late October,when water temperatures were >10°C. Summer diapause inC.vicinus was suggested to be an adaptation against fish predation,whereas C.vicinus entered winter diapause in Naganuma Pond probablyto avoid low oxygen levels. Thermocyclops crassus entered diapausein both ponds to avoid low water temperature. These resultssuggest that biotic and abiotic factors are important for leadingto specific life cycles of cyclopoid copepods in small waterbodies.
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