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Stable megadalton TOC–TIC supercomplexes as major mediators of protein import into chloroplasts
Authors:Lih‐Jen Chen  Hsou‐min Li
Affiliation:Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Abstract:Preproteins are believed to be imported into chloroplasts through membrane contact sites where the translocon complexes of the outer (TOC) and inner (TIC) envelope membranes are assembled together. However, a single TOC–TIC supercomplex containing preproteins undergoing active import has not yet been directly observed. We optimized the blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) (BN‐PAGE) system to detect and resolve megadalton (MD)‐sized complexes. Using this optimized system, the outer‐membrane channel Toc75 from pea chloroplasts was found in at least two complexes: the 880‐kD TOC complex and a previously undetected 1‐MD complex. Two‐dimensional BN‐PAGE immunoblots further showed that Toc75, Toc159, Toc34, Tic20, Tic56 and Tic110 were all located in the 880‐kD to 1.3‐MD region. During active preprotein import, preproteins were transported mostly through the 1‐MD complex and a smaller amount of preproteins was also detected in a complex of 1.25 MD. Antibody‐shift assays showed that the 1‐MD complex is a TOC–TIC supercomplex containing at least Toc75, Toc159, Toc34 and Tic110. Results from crosslinking and import with Arabidopsis chloroplasts suggest that the 1.25‐MD complex is also a supercomplex. Our data provide direct evidence supporting that chloroplast preproteins are imported through TOC–TIC supercomplexes, and also provide the first size estimation of these supercomplexes. Furthermore, unlike in mitochondria where translocon supercomplexes are only transiently assembled during preprotein import, in chloroplasts at least some of the supercomplexes are preassembled stable structures.
Keywords:translocon  TOC–  TIC  supercomplex  chloroplast  envelope  BN‐PAGE  preprotein     Pisum sativum        Arabidopsis thaliana   
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