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Wing length and asymmetry of male Tokunagayusurika akamusi chironomid midges using alternative mating tactics
Authors:Takamura  Kenzi
Institution:National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tukuba, Ibaraki 305-0053, Japan
Abstract:Male Tokunagayusurika akamusi chironomids have alternative mating tactics.One is to search for females on vegetation (ground mating),and the other is to wait for females in an aerial swarm (swarmmating). Simultaneous sampling of ground-unpaired and ground-pairedmales and of swarm-unpaired and swarm-paired males were performed.The average wing length and right-left wing length difference(wing asymmetry) were compared between males from the four differentcategories. Swarm-unpaired males were larger than ground-unpaired ones,swarm-paired males were larger than swarm-unpaired ones, and ground-pairedmales were not larger than ground-unpaired ones. Thus, large malestended to aggregate in swarms, and larger swarming males matedmore successfully. On the other hand, small males probably enjoyedmating on the ground, especially when large males swarmed. Thewing asymmetry was not significantly different between unpairedand paired males both within and between tactics. There wasa flat or U-shaped relationship between wing length and asymmetry,underpinning the lack of a symmetrical advantage of swarmingto large males. The right-left difference was not normally distributedin four of six samples of unpaired males but, in contrast, wasnot normally distributed in only one of six samples of pairedmales. The non-normal distributions were leptokurtic and includedoutliers. Removal of the outliers improved normality, suggestingthat males with extremely asymmetric wings were not successfulin mating.
Keywords:chironomids  alternative mating tactics  fluctuating asymmetry  normal distribution  outliers  swarm  Tokunagayusurika akamusi  wing length  
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