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Reflections on the ballast water dispersal—harmful algal bloom paradigm
Authors:Theodore J. Smayda  
Affiliation:aGraduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02281, United States
Abstract:The ballast water dispersal—HAB paradigm, increasingly invoked circumstantially to explain puzzling and unaccountable HAB species outbreaks when lacking the multiple tests of confirmation recommended by Bolch and de Salas (2007), is evaluated. The types and examples of natural dispersions and taxon cycles are compared to exotic species bloom behavior linked to ballast water vectoring. The regional spreading, bloom behavior and disjunct distributions of the brown tide pelagophyte Aureococcus anophagefferens and the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum, attributed to ballast water vectoring, are used as representative examples to evaluate the general application of the ballast water—HAB paradigm and associated interpretative problems. Human-aided emigration has a seeding and colonization ecology that differs from bloom ecology. For self-sustaining blooms to occur, these two ecologies must be accommodated by habitat growth conditions. The three stages that a non-native species must pass through (pioneering, persistence, community entry) to achieve colonization, community maintenance, and to bloom, and the niche-related factors and role of habitat disturbance are discussed. The relevance of cryptic occurrences, cyst deposits, dormancy periods and bloom rhythms of HAB species to their blooms attributed to ballast water-assisted introductions is also sketched. The different forms of HAB species rarity, their impact on the ballast water dispersal—HAB paradigm, and the dispersion and blooms of specialist and generalist HAB species are discussed. The remarkable novel and, often, monospecific blooms of dinoflagellate HAB species are being paralleled by similar eruptive bloom behavior cutting across phylogenetic lines, and being found also in raphidophytes, haptophytes, diatoms, silicoflagellates, etc. These blooms cannot be explained only as seeding events. An ecological release of ‘old barriers’ appears to be occurring generally at coastal bloom sites, i.e. something significant is happening ecologically and embedded within the ballast water—HAB paradigm. There may be a relationship between Life Form type [Smayda, T.J., Reynolds, C.S., 2001. Community assembly in marine phytoplankton: application of recent models to harmful dinoflagellate blooms. J. Plankton Res. 23, 447–461] and mode of expatriation; HAB dinoflagellate species commonly reported to produce ballast water-assisted toxic blooms invariably are members of cyst-producing Life Forms IV, V, VI. Ballast water vectoring of Life Forms I, II, III is rarely reported, even though many produce cysts, and where their novel introductions do occur they are more likely to be ichthyotoxic and vectored in shellfish stock consignments. The relevance of, and need to distinguish between morphospecies and their geographic/ribotype clades are discussed based on the Alexandrium tamarense/catenella/fundyense complex. Morphospecies-level ballast water dispersions are probably minor compared to the dispersal of the different ribotypes (toxic/non-toxic clades) making up HAB morphospecies; the redistribution and admixture of genotypes should be the focus. Ballast water-assisted expatriations impact the global occurrence of HABs through the direct transfer of previously absent species or introduction of genetic strains from the donor habitat that are ecologically favored over resident strains. The hybridization of species may be of potentially greater impact, resulting from the (1) mating of individuals from the donor and recipient habitats, or (2) through the interbreeding of strains introduced from two different donor sites into the recipient site, and whose progeny have greater ecological fitness than indigenous strains. Exceptional ecological changes of some sort appear to be occurring globally which, in combination with the genetically altered ecophysiological behavior of HAB species linked to ballast water dispersion and admixture, underpins the global HAB phenomenon. The impact of ballast water and shellfish transplantation on HABs and phytoplankton community ecology, generally, is considerably greater than the current focus on HAB species distributions, vectoring, and blooms. The methodological, investigative and conceptual potential of the ballast water—HAB paradigm should be exploited by developing a GEOHAB type intiative to advance quantification of global HAB ecology.
Keywords:Ballast water   Harmful algal blooms
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