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Involvement of endoplasmic reticulum stress and activation of MAP kinases in beta-lapachone-induced human prostate cancer cell apoptosis
Authors:Lien Yi-Chen  Kung Hsiu-Ni  Lu Kuo-Shyan  Jeng Chung-Jiuan  Chau Yat-Pang
Affiliation:Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan.
Abstract:Beta-lapachone, an o-naphthoquinone, induces various carcinoma cells to undergo apoptosis, but the mechanism is poorly understood. In the present study, we found that the beta-lapachone-induced apoptosis of DU145 human prostate carcinoma cells was associated with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, as shown by increased intracellular calcium levels and induction of GRP-78 and GADD-153 proteins, suggesting that the endoplasmic reticulum is a target of beta-lapachone. Beta-Lapachone-induced DU145 cell apoptosis was dose-dependent and accompanied by cleavage of procaspase-12 and phosphorylation of p38, ERK, and JNK, followed by activation of the executioner caspases, caspase-7 and calpain. However, pretreatment with the general caspase inhibitor, z-VAD-FMK, or calpain inhibitors, including ALLM or ALLN, failed to prevent beta-lapachone-induced apoptotic cell death. Blocking the enzyme activity of NQO1 with dicoumarol, a known NQO1 inhibitor, or preventing an increase in intracellular calcium levels using BAPTA-AM, an intracellular calcium chelator, substantially inhibited MAPK phosphorylation, abolished the activation of calpain, caspase-12 and caspase-7, and provided significant protection of beta-lapachone-treated cells. These findings show that beta-lapachone-induced ER stress and MAP kinase phosphorylation is a novel signaling pathway underlying the molecular mechanism of the anticancer effect of beta-lapachone.
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