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Données paléoenvironnementales sur le Vraconnien/Cénomanien de la région de Tébessa (Atlas Saharien,nord-est Algérie). Caractérisation de l’OAE2
Authors:Muriel Ruault-Djerrab  Fatiha Kechid-Benkherouf  Abderrezak Djerrab
Affiliation:1. Laboratoire de recherche « Environnement Sédimentaire, Ressources Minérales et Hydriques de l’Algérie Orientale », université de Tébessa, Tébessa, Algérie;2. Faculté des Sciences de la Terre, université des sciences et de la technologie (USTHB), BP 32 El Alia, 16111 Alger, Algérie;3. Département d’Histoire et d’Archéologie, université de Guelma, Guelma, Algérie
Abstract:The micropalaeontological content of five sections, located in Northeastern Algeria (Saharan Atlas) was investigated by means of washing/counting of microfossils in marly levels, and microfacies analyses of calcareous levels. In these levels of Upper Cretaceous age, hundred species of foraminifera were identified but only about 15 species of ostracoda and about ten of radiolaria. This work allows, first of all, to establish a rather precise stratigraphic frame, in particular by means of studying planktonic foraminifera. Two to five biozones were defined, between the Vraconnian (Th. Appenninica biozone) and the early Turonian (Whiteinella archaeocretacea biozone, then Helvetoglobotruncana Helvetica biozone for certain sections). Secondly, the quantitative analyses led on foraminifera allowed the definition of palaeoenvironment. The ratio P/P+B, generally very high, coupled with a little diversified benthonic microfauna, indicates a calm and deep environment, of external platform or slope type. Furthermore, at numerous levels, various indications give evidence of the existence of a strong surface productivity (presence of upwellings), responsible for the proliferation of radiolaria (late Vraconnian/early Cenomanian especially) or of globular planktonic foraminifera (hedbergellids/heterohelicids); being both associated with low-oxygen deep waters. Two anoxic events were also revealed, the first one at the end of Vraconnian (OAE1d) and the second at the end of Cenomanian (OAE2). This last event in particular was characterized on all the sections, in a more or less detailed way, thanks to the identification of certain indicator: Heterohelix “bloom”, “filament” event, disappearance of rotaliporids, presence of “blackshales” strongly enriched in organic matter (Bahloul levels).
Keywords:Foraminifè  res   Biostratigraphie   Palé  oenvironnement   OAE2   Cré  tacé     Atlas saharien   Algé  rie
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