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Ventilatory long-term facilitation in unanesthetized rats
Authors:Olson, E. B., Jr.   Bohne, C. J.   Dwinell, M. R.   Podolsky, A.   Vidruk, E. H.   Fuller, D. D.   Powell, F. L.   Mitchel, G. S.
Abstract:Wetested the hypothesis that unanesthetized rats exhibit ventilatorylong-term facilitation (LTF) after intermittent, but not continuous,hypoxia. Minute ventilation (VE) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) were measured inunanesthetized, unrestrained male Sprague-Dawley rats via barometricplethysmography before, during, and after exposure to continuous orintermittent hypoxia. Hypoxia was either isocapnic [inspiredO2 fraction (FIO2) = 0.08-0.09 and inspired CO2 fraction(FICO2) = 0.04] or poikilocapnic(FIO2 = 0.11 andFICO2 = 0.00). Sixty minutes afterintermittent hypoxia, VE orVE/VCO2 wassignificantly greater than baseline in both isocapnic and poikilocapnicconditions. In contrast, 60 min after continuous hypoxia,VE andVE/VCO2 were notsignificantly different from baseline values. These data demonstrateventilatory LTF after intermittent hypoxia in unanesthetized rats.Ventilatory LTF appeared similar in its magnitude (after accounting forCO2 feedback), time course, and dependence on intermittenthypoxia to phrenic LTF previously observed in anesthetized,vagotomized, paralyzed rats.

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