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Effects of caffeine on carotid sinus nerve chemosensory discharge in kittens and cats
Authors:Bairam, A.   De Grandpre, P.   Dauphin, C.   Marchal, F.
Abstract:Bairam, A., P. De Grandpré, C. Dauphin, and F. Marchal. Effects of caffeine on carotid sinus nervechemosensory discharge in kittens and cats. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(2): 413-418, 1997.---Caffeine (C)decreases apneic episodes in premature infants and is thought tostimulate breathing mainly by a central mechanism. While the methylxanthines theophylline and aminophylline are known to alter thecarotid chemoreceptor activity, there are little data on C. The aim ofthe study was to examine the effects of C on the carotid sinus nervedischarge (CSND) in developing animals. Nine kittens 17-21 daysold and six adult cats that were anesthetized and artificially ventilated were studied. They received four consecutive doses of C,each of 10 mg/kg, administered at intervals of 20 min either asintravenous bolus injection (6 kittens, 3 cats) or continuous infusion(3 kittens, 3 cats). Bolus injections of C invariably induced a promptbut transient increase in the CSND from 4.1 ± 0.6 to 8.1 ± 1.0 (SE) impulses/s in kittens (P = 0.01)and from 3.9 ± 0.1 to 7.9 to 1.0 impulses/s in cats (after thefirst injection). This response was associated with a significantdecrease in arterial blood pressure. Continuous infusion of C did notinduce any early change in either CSND or blood pressure in kittens orcats. Fifteen minutes after C injection or infusion was begun, CSNDvalues in air, 8% O2-balanceN2, or 100%O2 were not significantlydifferent from control. Haloperidol administered at theend of the experiment in four cats and four kittens significantlyincreased CSND and did not suppress the early response to C injection.It is concluded that caffeine administered by bolus in the kitteninduces a transient stimulation of the CSND that is associated with adecrease in the arterial blood pressure and is independent of thedopaminergic mechanisms in the carotid body. The lack of sustainedeffect implies the main mechanism to the ventilatory stimulation by Cmust be central.

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