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Photosynthetic Nitrogen Metabolism in High and Low CO2-adapted Scenedesmus: I. INORGANIC CARBON-DEPENDENT O2 EVOLUTION, NITRATE UTILIZATION AND NITROGEN RECYCLING
Abstract:Larsson, M., Larsson, C.-M. and Guerrero, M. G. 1985. Photosyntheticnitrogen metabolism in high and low CO2-adapted Scenedesmus.I. Inorganic carbon-dependent O2 evolution, nitrate utilizationand nitrogen recycling.—J. exp Bot. 36: 1373–1386 Scenedesmus obtusiusculus Chod. was grown on an inorganic mediumflushed with either air or air supplemented with 3% CO2. Inair-grown cells, O2 evolution dependent on low, but not high,HCO–3 concentrations was strongly inhibited by the carbonicanhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide. Cells grown with 3% CO2 exhibitedlow rates of O2 evolution at low external inorganic C; however,after 30 min in air O2 evolution rates at low inorganic C approachedthose of air-grown cells. These results are compatible withthe view that Scenedesmus develops a ‘CO2 concentratingmechanism’ in air, with carbonic anhydrase as an importantconstituent When 3% CO2-grown cells were subjected to air-level of CO2,just a transient decline in NO–3 utilization was observed,but in the presence of acetazolamide the rate of the processdecreased drastically in response to the decrease in the CO2level. In CO2-free air NO3– was taken up at high ratesbut in a deregulated manner, leading to release of NH4+. A portionof the NO3– taken up in the absence of CO2 was apparentlyassimilated Cellular nitrate reductase (NR) activity initially decreasedbut subsequently recovered after a transition from 3% CO2 toair. In the presence of acetazolamide, a persistent decreasein NR activity was observed. Cellular glutamine synthetase (GS)activity increased after transition from 3% CO2 to air, theactivity increase being unaffected by acetazolamide. NH4+ releaseto the medium in the presence of L-methionine-D, L-sulphoximine(MSO) transiently increased in 3% CO2-grown cells in responseto a transfer to air. MSO-induced NH4+ release was in fact higherin air-grown cells than in 3% CO2-grown cells. Glycollate wasinitially released after transition from 3% CO2 to air, butthere was no difference in glycollate release between MSO-treatedand untreated cells. In air-adapted Scenedesmus, N recyclingseems to be of minor importance in comparison to primary N assimilation Key words: CO2-fixation, N recycling, nitrate uptake, Scenedesmus
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