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Variable patterns of density-dependent survival in social bacteria
Authors:Kadam  Supriya V; Velicer  Gregory J
Institution:Max-Planck-Institute for Developmental Biology, Spemannstrasse 35, D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany
Abstract:In numerous species of social animals and social microorganisms,fitness is positively dependent on population density, at leastin some environments and over some density ranges. This "Alleeeffect" is observed in the cooperative bacterium Myxococcusxanthus during multicellular fruiting body development, duringwhich the standard laboratory genotype sporulates less efficientlyat lower population densities and produces no spores below aminimum threshold density. Here we demonstrate significant quantitativevariation in Allee patterns among distinct natural isolatesof M. xanthus. Isolates with similar developmental performanceat intermediate population densities exhibit stark variationin performance at both very low and very high densities. Suchvariation has implications for evolutionary performance underfluctuating natural environments. It also suggests that distinctintraspecific populations of social animals and other socialmicrobes with different selective histories may vary in theeffects of density on social fitness.
Keywords:Allee effect  inverse density dependence  natural variation  social development  
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